

Insta Friday & Orange October

The past 2 weeks have been crazy busy being back to school.
But, we are still having fun. 
Here is a snapshot of the past few weeks:
We are about 5 years late to the party, but we finally have iPhones. 
How did I live without it before?!?!
I am having way too much fun asking Siri things. Hysterical.
Cousin Love:

I can't stop eating Caramel Candy Corn. Addicted.
I have been so unproductive the past 2 weeks because of being back to school and  all the playoff Baseball that we have been watching. It's ORANGE OCTOBER!  Let's go Giants!

 My sweet friend Kara Noel of Eli's Lids sent Luke one of her lids. So cute! Thank you!!

 Gas Prices in California. FAIL.
 My sister Elyse got tickets to the Giants NLCS game on Sunday & she invited me to go!
It was a beautiful day in San Francisco! We got coffee at the Ferry Building:
And then walked along the water to the staduim:
Thank you Kevin for holding down the fort & watching all 3 kids so I could go to the game! 
I love AT & T Park, it's beautiful!

 Waving those rally rags!
 How cute is this Giants Wine Barrel?
We had awesome seats! Between home base & the Giants dug out:
I used the panoramic camera feature on the iPhone to get a picture of the whole stadium:
We lost, but it was still fun.
One of my favorite fall treats is Pumpkin Ice Cream. My favorite thing to add to it is chocoloate chips, pecans & caramel sauce. Oh Em Gee. So good. 
 My ridiculously talented friend Heather, throws awesome parties. Last year, she threw a Baking party for her daughter's birthday & asked me to photograph the party.
Parenting magazine emailed me a few months ago saying they were going to feature her party & asked for permission to use my photos. Isn't that fun?  
It just came out in the November Issue of Parenting Magazine. I bought a copy yesterday! Congrats, Heather! You can also see it online HERE.

 This week is conference week for our schools which means longer days for me. 
My secret stash of Sour Patch Kids (leftover from Claire's Candy Shoppe Party) is getting me through the longer days.

Hope you had a great week!
So happy the weekend is almost here, can't wait to cheer on the Giants tonight!
Beat the Cardinals!
life rearranged


  1. I love everything about this post! I am not an iphoner yet but I think I am going to make the jump soon too! Your kiddies are so adorable! Carmel candy corn looks delicious! Looks like you had a fabulous week!

  2. I am going out and buying Brady and animal towel today!!!!

    He's been using the twins' yellow towels w/floral print - don't tell him. I didn't get a baby shower or supplies so I've been trying to use what I still have left. Sometimes...being practical just isn't worth it. Today...Brady is getting his very own towel!


  3. Fun post! Carmel candy corn....LOVE IT! I have not got the pumpkin ice cream yet but I really need to get it this weekend. I am solo this weekendwith three kids, 4 soccer games and a flag football game while my husband goes fishing...I will need the ice cream.

    I am so sad we did not make one Giants game this entire year!

  4. Luke is sooooo adorable! He does have a great smile :)

  5. Oh goodness...your kids are stinking adorable!! :) Looks like you've had some fun times! I hope you'll be able to relax this weekend after conferences are over! P.S. Go Cardinals! :)

  6. Oh, that pout. So darn cute!

    SUPER jealous of your Giants game. Oh, I wish I was there.

    Great, now I'm craving pumpkin ice cream... :)

  7. you little baby is adorable!!! I love when they can start rolling over, its so cute!

  8. ahhh that pout is adorable!!
    welcome to iphone club... it's pretty much always awesome!!

  9. I completely agree that a clean baby in an animal towel is one of the best things on earth! And CONGRATULATIONS on your pics being featured in the magazine! That is awesome!

  10. So many adorable pictures. The pouty face is killer. I'd give that kid anything he wanted! :)

  11. Congrats on getting published!!! The boy cousins look like they could be very cool they'll have each other! Yeah, that little face is killer!

  12. That last picture is too much! He is SO adorable!

  13. Just caught up on your little blog and family! Our life has been crazy and blog reading comes few and far between. BUT fun you go the iPhone.....instagram is addicting!! And that last picture of stinkin' adorable.
