

Luke: 4 weeks

Luke is 4 weeks old today.
I can't believe it has already been 4 weeks, but on the other hand, it feels like he has always been here.
Time is funny like that.
I decided to do a little project & take a picture of Luke everyday of his first year of life.
I have named it "The Daily Luke"
Here is a snapshot of his first 28 days of life.
{Days 1, 2, 3 & 4}

It has been 4 weeks of change for our family.
Getting used to having a newborn again is brutal when you haven't had a newborn in your home for almost 4 years. I forgot what it is like to wake up every 2-3 hours at night.
So, so, tiring. But the baby snuggles are worth it.
{Days 5, 6, 7 & 8}

The girls are 19 months apart & I remember how hard that first year was. Claire's first year is like a blur. I thought this would be so much easier because Kate is 5.5 and Claire is almost 4.
In many respects, it is easier, because they play so well together and are self sufficient.
But, they are SO obsessed with Luke (which is a good thing) but they always want to be touching him or holding him and they aren't *quite* old enough to do that without supervision. And, last week, both girls had a runny nose/cold and it was hard to tell them they couldn't touch him/hold him. I didn't want him getting sick, so I wouldn't let them hold him for a few days and that was hard.
{Days 9, 10, 11 & 12}

Add in the fact that besides a new baby, we have a lot of other change that has gone on the past few weeks....Kate starting Kindergarten last week & Claire starting Preschool this week. There is a lot of new things going on for them, which makes their emotions (and mine) a little out of whack. When I had Claire, Kate wasn't in school, so it was very "relaxing" having a newborn because we had no agenda and could lounge around the house. But now, with both girls in school, there is a lot of rushing in the morning trying to get out of the house on time, dropping the girls off and picking them up.
{Days 13, 14, 15 & 16}

With the girls, my days were spent in 3 hour increments, waiting for the next feeding. But with Luke, it is a lot of scheduling when I can feed him because I need to make sure it coincides with drop off & pick ups. It's been a little nuts trying to figure out our new normal.
{Days 17, 18, 19 & 20}

The good news is that Luke is a super chill baby (so far!)
He goes with the flow, isn't too fussy and is overall pretty mellow.
The good thing about being the 3rd kid is that you get toted along to everything, so far Luke has been to our anniversary dinner, 3 birthday parties, a block party & a baby shower.
He is definitely getting socialized :)
{Days 21, 22, 23, &24}

I have also realized that with 3 kids, I just can't get it all done & that's okay.
I am trying to cut myself some slack. My house is messier than I want it to be, I have been making sub-par dinners and Claire's birthday party is Saturday and I have never been this unprepared for a party. I have a little guy who loves being held and that is more important than the other stuff for now.
{Days 25, 26, 27 & 28}

These past 4 weeks have been beautiful, crazy, emotional, and exhausting.
I am sad his first month has gone by so quickly.
I better start planning his 1st birthday party.
Kidding. Kind of....I already have his theme picked out.
Yes, I have issues :)

Linking up here:
life rearranged


  1. He is so adorable! Where do you get his cute onesies from? Specifically the motorcycle, puppy dog and the one with the number 6 on it? So cute!

  2. He is precious!! And my advice on your third kid? Just drop the schedule. You will drive yourself crazy trying to fit your baby's eating and napping schedule around your girls' hectic school stuff. Luke will let you know when he's hungry, even if its in the carpool line at 2:15. And he will probably end up taking every nap in the car. That's just how it goes with 3rd kids!

  3. Oh he is so cute. I love the idea do daily pictures. I take weekly pictures of my daughter and have loved seeing her grow over the last six months.

  4. what a handsome little dude! oh and you look amazing!!!

  5. All so true! Remember to give yourself that break and be easy on yourself. So important. Survival mode right now. Just be mommy. And remember to think about sleep in 24 hour increments, not how much you get in a night, per say, but how much you get in a 24 hr period. It made the lack of sleep at night less stressful for me! He is such a cutie!

  6. Oh that trying to figure out when to feed thing! I have the same issue, but I think I finally have it. Now it's tryinj to figure out the naps. :) And cutting slack... I have done that a lot lately, which is really really hard for me. Not sure if you already have one, but the best thing that I did was invest in a cleaning crew! Drew had her cleaning people come over while I was at the hospital having Declan and it was seriously the best gift ever!! So I hired them to come every other week now. Now on Saturday mornings I get to come downstairs and make cookies in my clean kitchen with the kids, or just get in the car and go on with our day, instead of having to clean the toilets. HA! Or anything actually. They come every other week. If you don't already have one... you need one. :)

    Happy 1 month to your little man! And who are you kidding... you're totally planning his first birthday. :) But shhhh.... I already have Declan's planned! haha.

  7. Owen and him have a lot in common....because of it Owen is still SO EASY. He goes with the flow and doesnt mind change :)

  8. Awwh! So cute! I want one!!! Found you from the blog hop!

  9. So cute! Love all the photos.

    New follower from the GFC blog hop. I love to invite you to the Weekend Blog Walk at At Home Take 2.

    Hope to see you there...
    Jessica @ At Home Take 2

  10. He is a doll. Best of luck as you figure things out!

  11. The Daily Luke is the cutest idea. I love it and am sooo copying it with the next baby. Perfect for the last kid, who seems to get the short end of the stick when it comes to pictures. :)

    You are doing awesome, mama. I can't believe he's a month old already!

  12. LOVE the pictures! Luke is gorgeous! Congratulations to all of you, Melissa, and I hope the "settling in" period is smoothing out. All our best to your party of 5!

  13. We did this for my daughter and it got to be so overwhelming, especially once I went back to work - but I finished it out. Her 1 year birthday was a celebration to not "have" to take her picture every day. Now I just make sure to pull the camera out on my weekends and snap a few pics so I have enough to fill her 2nd year photobook.
