

Kindergarten, Here we come!

In just a few short hours, my oldest "baby" will officially be a Kindergartner.

I am not going to lie, it has been a very emotional few days leading up to today, the first day of Kindergarten....for her and for me.
I have tried writing this post a few times, but it makes me cry, so I stop.
Being 18 days post partum does not help my cause.
Can you say hormones? Yikes. I can cry at the drop of a hat right now.
And, the sleep deprivation just adds fuel to the fire.

I can't believe the time has come to send Kate to Kinder.
It seems like just yesterday that she was a baby.
And now? Now she is a Kindergartner.
I took this picture early this morning as she was sleeping peacefully and I just prayed over my sweet Kate and her transition to Kindergarten. She doesn't like change and the past 18 days have been full of baby brother and starting school. It has worn her out emotionally.
I am so nervous/scared/anxious/excited for Kate.
Her class list was posted yesterday and she got the teacher that she really wanted (yay!) but we don't know anyone in her class. There are 2 other Kinder classes and we know 3-4 kids in all the other ones, but none in hers.
She is a little nervous about that, but I told her she is so lucky she gets to meet new friends!
(I am not going to lie, I am super nervous she doesn't know anyone either. I was really hoping she would have a familiar face in her class with her.)

Her outfit is picked out and she is excited that today we get to go to Kindergarten with her.
I am so thankful our school has a short first day (2 hours) and that parents get to stay the whole time.
Today she will be walking into her Kindergarten classroom and into other classrooms for the next 13 years.....the majority of her days will be spent at school.
That thought alone puts a lump in my throat.
The time goes by so quickly and it makes me question everything.
Have I done enough for Kate in her first 5 years?
Have I done enough to prepare her for the world around her?
Is she confident enough? Smart enough?
Will she be a friend to those who don't have friends?
Will she stand up for herself and others?
Will be respectful to her teacher?
Kids at school can be mean....Does Kate know how much she is loved by God and her family?
I could go on and on about how scared/nervous/excited/anxious I am for her, but I will just end this with a prayer.
Dear God,
Please calm my heart and Kate's.
Please be with her today and the rest of her days at school and give her confidence in YOU. Help her stand against peer pressure. Empower her to make good decisions.
Surround her with good friends that are positive influences.
Protect her from bullies and those that mean them harm.
Help me as a parent to be even more supportive of her this year.
Give me the words to help build Kate up during her school years and give her the courage to talk to me if she is ever having a problem.
Strengthen my discernment.
You are in control and we need to trust you.
Deep Breath.
Kindergarten, Here we come!


  1. Sweetest post Mel.
    I could have written it myself, but I can't imagine being post partum how much worse that could make the emotions regarding Kate and kinder! I hope you both do okay today. I will see for me the first and second week got much easier. Hannah loved it from day one, but so many changes!
    She would come home so tired and worn out, and with that came many more fits and tantrums than ever before. But now we are settling in and figuring out this new routing. Hope you all settle in quickly too. Good luck!!!

  2. Woops, I meant For me the first... not I will see for me... ;)

  3. Oh gracious, I was right there with you! My oldest little guy started K a few weeks ago and I was a wreck for days (even without postpartum hormones!) He's doing really well, but oh how I wish I were a fly on the wall! Kate will be fine...and you will be fine, too! I speak from experience!

  4. I think this is only my 2nd post to your blog (first was a congrats about Luke...he's just too cute by the way)but I've been following you for a year now. This struck a Mommy cord in me and I just feel pulled to comment...for what it's worth : ). I'm 15 1/2 and almost 9 years post partum (giggle) and I still get really emotional every year when school starts so I completely relate to you. My eldest is a girl and I remember the first day of kinder like it was yesterday. But, if my today self could have talked to my then self I would have told me this: "you have given her wings, provided by God, and she will fly". Keep loving her, praying for her, supporting her, talking and explaining things to her and don't be afraid to let her fail. You've given her a strong foundation and I'll bet she is going to do just great! : )Hang in there...I'm praying for you!

  5. Oh Mel, deep breaths. She will do amazing and she will love it! I went through this with my Braden last year and it makes it so much easier that they love it so much. And I also learned that I wasn't the only one stalking the bus on the first day and picking out a parking space where I could monitor the playground. Ha ha. Hang in there, Mama!

  6. I went through this yesterday with my youngest. My son started kinder and thankfully his big sisters are in his school so it helped. I worried and prayed and 7 hours later I picked them up and he was happy! Today was a lot easier. Just breathe. I think the first day of kinder is harder on us mamas than the kids. Lol

  7. My baby just started Preschool this morning. Its been an emotional day for our little family and I cant even imagine how you feel starting Kindergarten! I pray God gives you peace as she starts this new adventure and that He uses Kate to bring joy and love to whoever she meets. I pray for His wisdom and guidance in all that Kate may do. Good luck Momma!

  8. You are both going to do great. Saying a prayer for both of you as you start this new adventure!

  9. this was perfect for me to read, my oldest "baby" started kindergarten yesterday, and my 3 year old "baby" starts preschool next week. how in the world did this happen!! good grief, i don't know but i think that they will all do just fine.... here's to hoping and praying daily for our littles!! it never ends does it, and that's quite alright with me! :)

  10. I love your prayer. It sums up all of the feelings I had a week ago (and still do) as my oldest started kindergarten. As a teacher myself, I worked hard with my students to be kind, no bullying, stand up for what is right, etc. But, it's still hard knowing my own sweet daughter is out there in the "real world" of school potentially facig all those things. She loves the routine of school and has loved her first 5 days. I hope Kate has a great first day!

  11. such a beautiful post! I just know you'll both be fine, but I'd be lying if I wasn't already nervous about the future years for Elyse! She's only 8 months old, and I already wonder how I'll react when I send her off to preschool and/or kindergarten each year!

  12. Okay, now I'm sobbing too! And I had a baby almost 9 months ago! Such a sweet post! Girls have to go through so much and I wish they would never know any heartbreak. Have a great first day, Kate!

  13. This made me cry because it reminds me that I have one more year till my baby starts kindergartern. I know she will do great!

    Good luck this year Kate!

  14. First of all, both of those pictures of Kate are darling. I love how the second has a glimpse of the first and vise versa. While my "baby" is still two years away from kindergarten, I share many of your feelings when I look ahead to that day. And then I remind myself that God is in control of our lives and what a burden is lifted. I pray that your burden is also lifted and that Kate has a wonderful first day.

  15. First of all, both of those pictures of Kate are darling. I love how the second has a glimpse of the first and vise versa. While my "baby" is still two years away from kindergarten, I share many of your feelings when I look ahead to that day. And then I remind myself that God is in control of our lives and what a burden is lifted. I pray that your burden is also lifted and that Kate has a wonderful first day.

  16. Good luck to your Kate. Beautiful post and a beautiful young lady. I love that they have a short first day how neat! Will be excited to see how her (& your) first day was. Love the prayer!! God is so good.

  17. Could hardly read it with all the tears in my eyes... You are an amazing mother and I know God will be with both of you.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. This almost made me cry. My own daughter will start in two short years, and I can't even think about it. I hope her first day went well!

  20. beautifully written...I think. It was a little hard to see through my tears.
    Love that picture of her as a babe. Hope it was great. Hope you survived. I love that prayer- perfect!

  21. Oh my. I only wish that I was starting kinder again. In 1 short week, I will have a high-schooler!!!!!

    I can't believe it. It seems like just yesterday she was starting kindergarten. Ugh! time just goes too fast. It's really not fair!

    Hugs to you!


    ps- speaking from a mom that has put 4 kids through kinder, it's my favorite year. So fun! You will love it!

  22. Ok, now I'm crying and my daughter is not even 2. I'm sending hugs your way. Kids grow up too fast. I pray Kate has the best first day! And mommy too!

  23. Hang in there. I know I felt the same way when mine started kindergarten. Now, my baby is starting her senior year on Tuesday. Her last "first" day. I think it's even harder. :(

  24. :( Such a hard transition..and being post partum is EVEN harder. For me it was the hardest when my oldest started kinder just because there was so much of the unknown. Once you all get into a routine and you're not so sleep deprived it'll get easier. When my oldest started kinder I was 8mth preg w/ our youngest, talk about hormones!! haha :) praying for a smooth week!

  25. God is in control. He's got this covered :)
    hope her first day was great. and you get a long nap today.

  26. WOW! I just sent my second daughter to Kinder this morning and I felt EXACTLY like you did. I loved reading your concerns typed out. I love knowing I am not alone! I especially relate to the feelings of have I done enough!! Thanks so much for sharing!!

  27. This post has me in tears, I can see why it took you some time to type it out. This is such a great mommy moment. It seems like you're handling with the all the heart God could ask of you. Hope her day was amazing!

  28. Just got a lump in my throat reading this. I prayed a similar prayer for my kids when they started school. And it was SO incredibly difficult to send them off. I still have moments when they walk out the door for 4th, 8th, and 10th grade where I want to grab them, pull them back inside, and keep them here with me. It's a part of motherhood I never knew could be so heartbreaking! But also such a proud moment. She will do great. She has awesome parents that adore her. :)

  29. I am sad just reading this and thinking about my almost 4 year old. I cried when she started preschool on Tuesday.

    Newest follower from Mommy Mixer. Love for you to stop by Naptime Review and return the follow when you can ;)

  30. I hope you don't mind, but I'm borrowing that prayer. My daughter LE starts pre-K on Tuesday, and up until this post, I've been compartmentalizing my thoughts and feelings about it because I knew that if I let them out, I'd burst. I just had a nice cry over the anxious, nervous, excitement I feel for LE, just like you feel them for Kate. Lots of luck and prayers to you and Kate, too.

  31. The girls start tomorrow and I am feeling the same way. I think I am more worried about coming home to an empty house that is so quiet. Not sure what I am going to do all by myself! I do have a list started of projects to work on, so that will help.

    So happy to hear that the first week went great!

    Congrats on baby Luke too! What a cutie. And seeing the pictures made me want to have another!
