

34 Weeks!

34 weeks!
I can't believe it!
The past few weeks have flown by with the end of school & start of summer.

How Far Along:
34 Weeks
Size of baby:
Baby is the size of a cantaloupe
Total Weight Gain/Loss:
I have gained 35 lbs
( I gained 50 lbs with Kate & Claire, so hopefully I don't gain 15 lbs in the next 6 weeks!)
Maternity Clothes:
I wear pretty much all maternity
Don't know...It's a Surprise!
Lots of kicks & rolls. Baby is most active at night (like the girls were)
I'm sleeping pretty good, but according to Kevin I thrash around all night in my sleep. I am having a hard time getting comfortable at night. And, for the past few weeks, I have been waking up almost once a night because I get a Charlie Horse in my calf. Ouch!
What I miss:
Coffee. Wine. Diet Coke. Margaritas.
Steak. Panini Sandwiches. Ice Cream.
Still have all day sickness & nausea. I am still nauseous all day. Shoot me now. With the girls, that ended at 26 weeks, and here I am with 6 weeks to go and I still feel sick. I am assuming this is going to last until I deliver. At least I am not puking anymore.
And, I am, so, so, tired which I think makes me feel even more nauseous.
Kevin let me sleep in until 10 am on Saturday. It was amazing.

Best Moment this week:
Lots of fun things have happened this week...
  • We set the crib up over the is becoming more real that we are having another baby!
  • I had my 34 week appointment yesterday & the baby is head down! I am measuring slightly ahead & my doctor thinks I am going to have another 9 lb baby. W
  • Today, I had a maternity photo shoot! Can't wait to see the pics! (And, because of that, today was the first time since summer started that I have worn make up. ha! I love summer!)
Can't believe we are getting down to the final stages of this pregnancy!
Stay tuned for a guessing game on the baby's gender & arrival.

Hope you all have a safe & fun 4th of July tomorrow!
We have a fun filled day planned including hosting our annual 4th of July Pool Party & BBQ!
It's one of my favorite days of the year!


  1. Eeeeek!!! So exciting!! Good Luck these next few weeks. :)

  2. you are so so so so so cute! i had charlie horses too. so excruciating.
    you are glowing, honey.

  3. You are so beautiful, my friend! Can't wait to meet that little honey bun!

  4. You look FANTASTIC! Love those colors on you! Love that belly! Can't wait to find out what you are having!!

  5. Not long now and you look great! How exciting:D Just wanted to say that we had some ripe bananas last night so I made your banana bread recipe, it is sooooo good. Just had some now with a cup of tea so thank you.

  6. I would never have thought to put bright yellow and aqua together, but I am going to do it now! It looks so good!

    Speaking of that, I also gained 40 lbs. and looked like a totally different person (I had a girl)--I never would have guessed 35 lbs for you. You just have that cutie basketball bump! So, I'm saying it's a boy for sure!

  7. Yay for 34 weeks! You are looking incredible Mel! I think it's so fun you are waiting to find out and I bet these last few weeks are going to FLY! Sorry to hear you are still feeling sick. I had morning sickness with my first and it is no fun!

  8. You look gorgeous! I had 9lb babies too! Can't wait to see your photos :) Happy 4th!

  9. You are glowing and look wonderful!! I hope I look as fantastic as you when I reach 34 weeks :)

  10. You look gorgeous!! I am thinking GIRL since your ms symptoms mimic my friend Tracy's for all three of her pregnancies. And she had a girl each time!

  11. You look great! I can't wait to find out boy or girl :)

  12. You are one cute prego. Is it the 31st yet? Cannot wait!!!!

  13. Mel, you look gorgeous! WHERE are you keeping all 35 pounds???

  14. Charlie Horses.....I'm calling for a BOY!!!

  15. Yah...I found your blog again. I was wondering how the baby was doing.. Can't wait to see the pics!!
