

The 2012 Summer List

According to the calendar, it's officially the first day of summer.
Happy Summer Solstice!
Perfect timing to make our 2012 Summer List!
This year, I let the girls decide everything they wanted on the list.
In years past, I have given them ideas (or not written down ideas they had) but this year, I decided to write down all of their ideas, no editing or persuading from me.
This is our most unscheduled summer to date. Because I am due in August, traveling this summer is pretty much out of the question. This is the first summer we aren't going to Lake Tahoe or on a vacation. Because of that, I really, really, really want to be intentional with the girls each day this summer.
In less than 2 months, I will be having the baby, so I want to make the most of these last few precious weeks of just me & my girls.
Here is our 2012 Summer List:
Some of the things I am looking most forward to:
- 4th of July Party
- Going to the $1 Movies
-Having the girls camp in the Backyard with Daddy
-Watch a movie on the Lawn
-Have a Baby!

Some of the things I am dreading (that I wanted to not write down, but will take one for the team. ha!)
-Chuck E Cheese (I have never taken them, but they have been for birthday parties while I am at work. They have been begging for me to take them. Ugh.)
- Lemonade Stand (these are just painful to me)
- Go to the Z00 (I am NOT a fan of the zoo. I know, I know. The zoo is just not my thing)

I also decided to do another Summer List.
You could also call this my "Stuff I need to get done before I have a Baby list"
1. Make Claire's 1st year Baby Book.
(I made an awesome book for Kate's 1st year & haven't made one for Claire yet...she is 3.5 years old. I NEED to do this before Baby #3 arrives!)
2. Finish my 40 bags in 40 days project
(which I have re-named 40 bags in 4 months. ha!)
3. Get the nursery ready. And get other baby things ready.
(Haven't even started. Yikes!)
4. Plan Claire's Birthday Party
(which will be 3 weeks after I have the Baby, so I need to get most of it organized this summer)
5. Commit to our Girl Name
(or find a new one) I am second guessing myself.

I can't wait to get start crossing things off our list!
Both girls woke up with a fever today, so our plan of going to the Fair is postponed for another day.
Do you have a summer list? What are looking forward to doing this summer?


  1. Love your list. So glad summer's here. Can't wait to meet that new Larson!

  2. I always look forward to this post! Thanks for the inspiration and for the reminder to be intentional every day. Every year it's like I blink and it's time to head back to school. Even if you only check off half of that list, it looks like your summer will be awesome!

  3. I can't wait to hear the name you choose for your daughter!

    Love the summer list. Looks like you guys are going to be busy...and having a blast!

  4. Good list! I love that that you let the girls put things on it!

  5. I don't want to scare you about CEC, or as we call it around here, Chuck E. Cheese Hell, but last time we went, there was projectile vomiting. Not my kids, thank the Lord, but another poor little girl who was in the bathroom and went out to the dining area looking for her mom. She never stopped puking. I have not been back since.

  6. Love it! What a great list! I am cracking up about Chuck E Cheese! Thankfully the grandparents tackle that one in our house :) I know your feeling of trying to get it all done. You will and it will be wonderful!

  7. You are so cute! Just wanted to let you know that I take my kids to CEC for Spring Break, Christmas and Summer vacations. I actually LOVE it. If you go on their website they will email you awesome coupons (like 100 tokens for $15). And my tip is to go when it opens. Ours opens at 9:30am and we are ALWAYS the first ones there. We basically have the place to ourselves until about 11am which is when everyone else comes and which is when we leave and eat lunch elsewhere! I hope that you enjoy it.


    ps- I gave our teachers "thanks for helping us grow" Basil plants today (we aren't out till tomorrow). Thanks for the great idea!

  8. I'll take them to the zoo! I LOVE the zoo!

  9. My daughter Jaina turned 3 just 3 weeks after my son Jayce was born. I was in such a newborn fog, I almost forgot to send her invitations out!

  10. Whaaat? You were set on the name, I thought! I think we're set on ours, unless you have some others to pass my way :) I'd say I'd help you, but you know how hard it is with me and names! Right there with you on the baby book goal...I have lots of stuff written out in Kieran and Anna's, no printed pictures...for shame! Tatum...bought the book, it is BEAUTIFUL, nothing in it! Thank goodness for blogs, those right there are my summer goals! That and paint K, A, and T's room and get bunk beds! Oh, and organize. Crap, I've got an insurmountable list!

  11. What a great list! Thanks for sharing :).

  12. i loath chuck e. cheese, BUT you will gain a gazillion cool-mom points for taking them.

    we have a summer fun list (again). lemonade stand included. dreading that, too. i'm looking forward to making a summer full of fun memories before my oldest starts HIGH SCHOOL mid august! (somebody hold me).

    btw- i have a give away going on! come check it out.

  13. Love the list! I will have to remember this for when my little boy is older.

  14. I still have to make Jordis's one year book - let's get together!

  15. We finished our summer list last week. Here it is:
