

It's Garden Time!

It's May! Can you believe it?
Warmer Weather, Longer days & the countdown to Summer!
(And, it's Birthday month for me & Kevin!)
May also means it's Garden Time!
Last week I planted our 2012 Garden.
We had so much fun with our garden last year, I couldn't wait to plant one this year.
Last Spring, Kevin built me 3 Garden Boxes and they worked really well for growing our veggies.
Each box is 8 feet by 4 feet.
We had a great crop last year. I am planting the majority of the same things.
(There are a few things I skipped this year & I added a few new veggies to the mix)
Here is what we are growing this year:
Box #1:

Box #2:

I have 2 Yellow Pear plants. I loved growing these last year. For our afternoon snack last year, the girls & I would bring a container of humus out to the garden & just pluck tomatoes off the vine & eat them with the hummus. SO yummy!
Box #3:
This box is filled with 5 of my favorite type of tomato....Early Girl Tomatoes!
They are perfect for Caprese Salad & are such a deep red and full of flavor. YUM.
(This year I also invested $ and bought sturdy tomato cages. Last year, I just used the cheap flimsy wire ones and my tomatoes were too heavy for them and my tomato plants kept falling over and we had to prop them up with random stakes. I splurged this year, I hope they are sturdy enough to last through this summer and years to come!)
We also have some fruit trees in our garden area. We have had the orange for 1 year (no fruit yet) and the lime tree for about 7 years (it was in a planter & we moved it from house to house and planted it in the garden area last year.)
This year, I also bought some Apple Red Fugi & one Honeycrisp!
So there you have it, our 2012 Garden!
I can't wait for it to grow & produce veggies.
That was one of my highlights of last summer..our inaugural garden.
I hope we have as much success this year as we did last year.
It was so empowering walking out to the garden & using things we grew for our meals!
I am most looking forward to the tomatoes!
There is nothing more delicious than a homegrown tomato.
I would love to hear... what is your favorite thing to grow (or eat) in a garden.
Do any of you have a garden in your backyard?
Share your gardening tips, I would love to hear them since this is only my 2nd year planting a garden!
Mine are simple...Get new soil, make sure your garden gets afternoon sun and don't forget to water!


  1. We bought our new house last June and our garden suffered because of it. But this year, we're going ALL out. We're not suppose to transplant until the end of the month, but I can't wait! I have some peppers, tomatillos, and tomatoes already blooming and sprouting veggies! (very exciting). We have SEEDLINGS galore of tomatoes, peppers, and herbs. We're doing an old-fashioned direct sow of many things like beans, squash, corn, watermelon, cantelope, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, swiss chard, beets, carrots, lettuces, and things like marigolds and nasturium to keeps certain bugs/insects away.

    We'are also doing raised beds and creating a garden oasis with a pation in the middle and garden all around us. We have a HUGE side lot that is full sun all day so that's super exciting for us, too. We have grapes growing and a persimmon tree and hope to get blueberries as well, too!

    A couple tips: make compost, USE it and mulch often. Also spray epsom salts on pepper plants as they're growing/budding, and use epson salts directly under tomato roots for growth.

  2. Where did you get the flat stones surrounding your garden boxes?? Wanting to get a few like that to create a little walkway in our backyard! Thanks!

  3. I can't wait to have a garden. We are moving the end of June, and I can't wait to have my own yard to plant things in! I am planning on doing boxes, like you have. Your garden looks soooo yummy! Do you compost??

  4. I love your garden! Thanks for sharing your tips. I'm going to show the hubs your pics & ask (sweetly) that he made my beds the same way :) Thanks again!

  5. Love it!! And a bit envious of those beautiful boxes. Excited to watch everything grow! So fun!!

  6. looking good. We can't plant our garden until May long, still too cold up here, but I have my seeds started in the house. Fresh garden veggies are the best.

  7. I'm jealous!!it is wayyyyy too hot here to plant a full garden like that. It looks amazing though!

  8. Love your garden boxes...every year we plan on making some but never get around to it.

    And thank you for the comment/link from KK...nice to "meet" another fellow Bay Arean! :)

  9. I can't even plant stuff until the end of May here in Nebraska. Boo hoo! And half that stuff would never survive here... but I do grow tomatoes, peppers, basil, mint, carrots, and cucumbers. And this year plan to grow some 10ft sunflowers just for kicks! :)

  10. Hi Mel!
    Your garden looks great.
    I wish we had more space for three boxes!
    Next year I think we will build one more box, but I am actually surprised at how much we have planted in just the one box and a couple pots.

    It is so liberating to walk into your own yard and pick a few things for dinner!!! Last night I made pizzas and I snipped a bit of our cilantro and basil, and later after we ate we all chewed on some chocolate mint for fresher breath. So fun. :)

    How crazy that you live so close to my cousin Don!!!I will definitely have to plan time to come see you if we ever make it up there soon. I have a feeling they might be moving back to So Cal before too long, but that is really crazy how close you are.

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