

Hello, 3rd Trimester!

Today I enter my 3rd (and FINAL!!!) Trimester.
Thank you, Jesus. There is an end in sight!
How Far Along:
28 Weeks
Size of baby:
Baby is the size of an eggplant
Total Weight Gain/Loss:
I have gained 22 lbs
( I gained 50 lbs with Kate & Claire! Yikes!)
Maternity Clothes:
I wear pretty much all maternity
Don't know...It's a Surprise!
Lots of kicks & rolls. Baby is most active at night (like the girls were)
I'm sleeping pretty good, but I am still SO, SO tired.
What I miss:
Coffee & Wine.
Still have all day sickness & nausea. Yes, you read that right. I am still nauseous all day. Shoot me now. With the girls, that ended at 26 weeks, and here I am in my THIRD trimester and I still feel sick. I haven't thrown up in over a month, but I still feel yucky.
And, I am, so, so, tired which I think makes me feel even more nauseous.

Best Moment this week:
I found out I passed my glucose test! Yay!
Now, I just hope the all day nausea goes away.
With the girls, it went away at about 26-28 weeks.
Why, oh why, do I still feel still feel yucky? *sigh*

Kate wanted a belly shot also with her doll stuffed in her shirt :)
I can't believe that I only have 12 weeks left, but at the same time, I feel like this pregnancy has gone by so slowly! I know once school gets out in a few weeks & summer arrives then time is going to fly by! We are going to start working on the nursery this is becoming real that we are going to have another baby!


  1. Wow! Third trimester already?! Time is flying!

  2. You look so good. And we are about the same with our pregnancies---time-wise. I'm maybe a few days ahead. I've gained 19-20lbs this time around so far and that is WAY more than with Eme! It's weird though, because I'm thinner overall. Not sure what that's about. But, oh well. Also, this little one always is more active at night just like yours. Literally, my belly is a circus! The second I sit to relax she goes nuts. I think you're having a 3rd little girl. ;)

  3. You look fantastic.
    3rd trimester already?! That's crazy talk.
    I hope you feel better soon! Feeling bad while pregnant and taking care of other little people at the same time is no fun.

  4. I'm with you on the long lasting 'morning/all day' sickness. It's just part of my life now. I throw up and move on... :)

    You look so great! Precious outfit!

  5. Congratulations on making it to your third trimester!

  6. You look great! I hope that you start feeling better like NOW! ;)

  7. Mel you look great! Yay for 3rd trimester!

  8. I'm So excited for you!! I was so so tired my entire pregnancy. Being tihat tired was (almost) as bad as the nausea. I feel better NOW nd I'm nursing in the middle of the night!! I hope once school let's out you'll feel more rested!! It will fly by!!

  9. You look great! Thought about you this morning as I admired my pretty dates print in my bedroom--said a little prayer for the baby--now I will specifically pray that the nausea ends!!!

  10. You look great! Getting closer...yay! :)

  11. Whaaaat? I didn't realize you were still sick! I knew you weren't throwing up anymore, which is why I thought you were finally out of the woods, especially with your lunch choices as of late! Ack! Hope you are done with that soon so you can enjoy the summer! Maybe it's 'cause your sick that you think it's going by slow, but I feel like it's all gone by so quickly! Can't believe you are already 28 weeks and I am 21!

  12. You are finally showing! Sorry you are still sick. That stinks. Let me know when you want to drop the girls off here. you look great.

  13. The picture of your daughter is adorable. She will love looking back on that some day when she really is pregnant! And you are looking awesome!!!!

  14. I saw where you commented on my blog and I was so excited because I have read your blog for a while now and thought it was so neat that we were both due at the same time and we were both pregnant with our sisters! You look great! This third pregnancy has been hard, I still get sick almost every night and my energy level is lacking big time. I know it will be worth it in the end! Can't wait to see the rest of your pregnancy and wether your having a precious boy or girl! Good luck!

  15. Yay for the 3rd trimester! You look great despite not feeling well. My 3rd pregnancy was the hardest and I hate to say I felt sick until the very end (even throwing up until the week I delivered). I hope you feel better soon!

  16. Horray for the 3rd trimester! I keep thinking to myself that it is supposed to get easier as the days go on... someone lied :)
    Just wanted to shout a hello and a thank you for stopping in at my blog!

  17. Whoop, third trimester! Well done! So sorry you are still feeling yucky :-( and pray it passes soon x

  18. You look adorable :)

    I was sick until 20 weeks or so with my first 5 kids. With #6 (Brady) I'm sad to say that I was sick the ENTIRE time. Salt helped...sugar made me vomit. Hope yours gets better...I know it's not fun!


    ps- I'm working on Brady's nursery this week too. He's already 5 months but I had a hard time doing anything "permanent" for him. Now he has to stay here because he's going to have a room...right?!?!

  19. Oh, Claire is so cute. :) You look amazing! I wish I didn't remember so vividly the nausea... praying for you and that baby. Can't wait to meet him. ;)

  20. you are so adorable with your pregnant belly. you look great.

    i loved how kate had to get in on the action. fun!
