

Giving Thanks.

So much to be thankful for.
My healthy & happy little family:
2 little girls who keep me on my toes:
This sweet girl who has a heart of gold:
This fiesty Daddy's Girl:
And an amazing husband who puts up with me & my shenanigans.
Thankful for a God who loves me,
Family & Friends who encourage & support me,
and a job that I love.
I am extremely thankful for our friend Steve Hoffmann who took our family pictures when he was in town for a wedding a few weeks ago.
(If you live in So Cal and need family pics, he is doing mini sessions this weekend!)

And, thank YOU for reading. I appreciate each and everyone of you taking the time to read!
Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with family, friends & food!

"Give thanks to the Lord, for HE is good. His love endures forever" Psalm 107:1


  1. Love them all! The one of you and Kevin is so nice, too!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Love your fam photo sesh!!!
    Super cute.
    Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving together.

    Your trip to Pebble Beach looked like so much fun.
    Had to laugh about Claire's outfit. She sounds SO much like my Claire sometimes. Could you imagine those two together??? Trouble...

  3. Great scripture, a good reminder! Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Wonderful family photos! I posted that verse today, too! Happy Thanksgiving, Mel!

  5. Looks great Melissa, thanks for the shout-out. Thank you also for hosting me and my buddy for the night. Hoffmann

  6. Wow, how adorable is your little family! Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Beautiful family photos, Mel! You all look great. :) Very thankful for you too!

  8. So much to be thankful for! What a wonderful post. Your family is beautiful. These photos are gorgeous! Really love your blog... visiting from the blog hop. So nice to 'meet' you. New follower now! :)

  9. beautiful family!! the photos look wonderful!
    hooray for thanksgiving, sending you a hug.
    grateful for YOU, mel! xo

  10. so glad i found you. they look great! i'd love for you to stop by and check out the new tutorials and current giveaways. xoxo nicole

  11. What wonderful family photos. Love your outfit! New follower stopping by from follow fest. Stop by my blog when you get a chance. :)

  12. Hi! I just came across your blog and have been browsing around past posts. You have such a beautiful family, and you are one awesome mom I must say! Love all of your party and holiday decorations and treats you do for the kiddos. Can I ask where you got this navy dress from in the family pics? We are taking some in April and going with shades of blue. Thanks!!

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