

Last Week of Summer

This was our last official week of summer.
School starts for me next Wednesday.
(Moment of silence while I wipe my tears away)

I tried to pack as much as I could into these last couple weeks of summer.
Here is what we have been up to, via instagram!

Summer means Chardonnay.
My BFF was in town for a wedding (us at the Rehersal Dinner)
The Bride & Groom:
Oh yeah, and they had Coldstone at their wedding!!!!
4 flavors, the stone, and all the toppings. It was amazing.

I got another chair from my Grammy (from the 1 room school house in Colorado)
You may remember the yellow one. Well, I spray painted this one pink for Claire's 3 year old photo shoot. Love it!
This past weekend another one of my best friends from high school came into town for our soccer reunion. Our coach (who coached us for 6 years) has lung cancer and just finished his chemo. We had a reunion to see him & celebrate.

The next day, I had a playdate at my house with more friends. We have been friends since Middle School! Between the 5 of us, there are 15 kids!!!!
I had to put up a fence around my garden because our dog (Kevin's dog) was eating all my tomatoes & strawberries. Grrr.....
Our lawn was looking so green. Then we decided to air out our pool cover on the grass for 30 minutes. Bad idea. Huge dead spot on the grass now. Watering it extra to bring it back to life.
What I eat for lunch everyday in the summer.
Grilled cheese with tomato on Sourdough. And, I got some bottled Mexican Coke at Costco (real sugar instead of corn syrup. So good!)
The Crete Myrtles are blooming. That always reminds me of the end of August & when Kevin & I got married. 9 years next week!
My sister & Jason came over for dinner along with one of her best friends & fiance'.
They brought Chipotle for dinner. Win!
They asked Kevin & I to read scripture at their upcoming November wedding. So honored!
I have been going into school this week to get my classroom organized.
I cleaned out almost every cabinet & drawer. After teaching for 8 years, my stuff was getting cluttered!!!
One of the days, the girls came along because I had no one to watch them.
Good thing my room has a TV (and lots of coloring materials!
What I could eat for dinner every night.
Tomatoes & Basil from my garden with Mozzerlla, salt, pepper & balsamic vinegrette.
And, It's It for dessert.
2 cookies with ice cream in the middle dipped in chocolate.
A San Fransisco treat! So good!
They were on sale so I bought 3 flavors. Coffee is my favorite!
Hydrangeas from my yard:
On the Summer List, Kate wanted to have a Popsicle Party.
So, we had a swimming playdate with popsicles!
Thankfully Popsicles were on sale this week!
Claire enjoying doing her own hair:
So there you have...a glimpse of our last week of summer.
Seriously depressed about school starting.

Linking up here:
life rearranged


  1. Coldstone at a wedding? That sounds awesome and a great idea! :) Looks like you had a lovely last week of summer!

    Oh by the way, I am a new reader. Loving your blog so far, looking forward to reading more. :)

  2. You had a lot of great pics for the week! I looked at my phone to see what pics I had for InstaFriday and I had ONE. I guess I can work up a post but it might be kinda sad.

    I think that it is wild that your crepes are just now blooming, ours has been blooming for 3 months. But my cherry dazzles have blackspot and nothing that I do seems to help. :(

    Happy Weekend!

  3. Such fun pictures!!!! Best of luck for a wonderful school year ahead!

  4. We are ending our summer with play dates, a big friend reunion next weekend and sleeping in in the mornings.

    I'm looking forward to routine and a little quiet time for myself!

  5. Sounds like an amazing summer filled with warm weather, good food, family/friends and wedding fun!

  6. What is/are It's-It.
    Clearly not an Ohio thing, but I am interested!

  7. My friend had a coldstone ice cream cake at her wedding. Isn't different fun at weddings?

  8. My SIL's sister had Coldstone at her wedding - I thought it was genius! I love the hydrangeas. Love them.

  9. I love mexican coke! Sometimes our costco doesn't carry it, though.

  10. I'm sad about school starting too. The kids go back Monday and I go back the following week--it has been quite a fun filled time for us these months: ) We even bought Raging waters passes and squeezed that in this week and it's all paid for next summer too: )

  11. you have been BUSY!

    coldstone at the wedding, L.O.V.E!

    i'm glad for you that you have got to reunite with old friends. what a gift.

    i feel your tears about summer ending. i'm wiping my own.

    i linked you in my recent post (finally the 50th anniversary party).

    one more thing, i recommend adding some of the basil from your garden to your grilled cheese and tomato sandwich. that is my FAVORITE.

  12. What a good full week you had before your week of routine starts with school. Hope it all goes well...

  13. Kevin's dog is bad bad BAD. i work across the street from the the it's it factory. and can smell the chocolate all day. yum!

  14. Hi! What do you use to edit your pictures? Photoshop?

  15. What a great post! I'm nominating you for the Versatile Blogger Award! :) To find out more, click here:

  16. Oh my gosh, I haven't had an It's It in years - mint are my favorite! Looks like a great last week :)

  17. Hannah- all the pictures in this post are from the Instagram app. But for my normal photos, yes, I use photoshop!
