

Two Steps Forward. One Step Back.

I want to thank all of you who left sent me emails and left comments on my last blog post about Claire's Terrible Two's.
It is comforting to know that we aren't the only ones going through this.
But, on the other hand, I am sorry that so many of us are going through this!
Motherhood is the hardest job ever.
It is worth it, but seriously. So hard.
A lot of you had great book recommendations, so I am buying a couple more books!
Our weekend was good. Claire's behavior was some of the best it has been in a long time.
I know she likes it when we don't have to go to work & there is no schedule.
Kate likes structure & schedules. Claire? Not so much. She is a free bird.
We spent a lot of time outside on Saturday & Kate has finally learned how to swing on her own!
Can I get a Holla for no more pushing her on the swing?!? She is so proud of herself!
And, in the same day, she learned how to use the rings & go from one ring to another.
I think it is time to sign her up for gymnastics!
We did some planting & yard maintenance.
The girls are officially obsessed with filling up their buckets & watering cans with water so they water the garden.
It is amazing how much our garden has grown in a few weeks!
Before church on Sunday, Kate asked me to put curlers in her hair so she could have curly hair.
Poor thing has really fine hair (like me) and it doesn't hold a curl at all.
This is her 5 minutes after taking the curlers out.
Her hair was totally straight. I feel your pain, sister!
Kate had a birthday party on Saturday and Sunday, so Kate and I got a lot of 1 on 1 time which meant that Claire got a lot of 1 on 1 time with Kevin.
1 on 1 time with your kids is always a good thing.
It made me realize how much they need it.
We got to enjoy sunny skies this weekend, but don't let that fool you.
It was really cold and really windy.
And, today....the rain came.
It rained on and off all day.
And, literally, there was a dark rain cloud over our house.
The weather was fitting for the moods of the girls.
It was another rough afternoon of no naps.
I totally lost my patience with both of them because they wouldn't stay in their rooms for naptime & they both had complete meltdowns later in the afternoon.
I totally lost my patience which made me even more frustrated & disappointed in myself.
Two steps forward, one step back.
The weekend was good. Monday? Not so much.
When Kevin came home from work I was D-O-N-E.
He took over & did the whole bedtime routine while I gave myself a Mommy Time Out.
Can I get an Amen for that?
Tomorrow is a new day. It will be better.
So thankful His mercies are new each morning!


  1. She's way too cute! I love your header and background!

  2. I hear ya! Ive been really sick since Saturday morning which puts me at the end of my patience rope. I knwo I shouldnt let the little things get to me but its hard to keep that all in perspective when you feel like poo.
    Hang in there. One of my favorite movie lines is :"tomorrow is always fresh...with no mistakes in it"

  3. love your garden. we have one too, we'll have to share tips.

  4. Motherhood IS the hardest job ever!

    And don't you wish kids this age were more reasonable?? Don't they know how much better they would feel (and behave) if they just went to sleep??? So frustrating.

  5. love all the photos! HOORAY for kate's swinging and rings-so sweet. hang in there, mama! praying for you! xo

    Colossians 1:11 "May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy"

  6. sometimes i think mommy time outs are a better invention that sliced bread and air conditioning. seriously. i would not survive without them.

  7. I thrive on Mommy time outs :) At least once a week I put myself in time out in my room. It makes things run so much more smoothly for everyone.

  8. Thank GOODNESS His mercies are new every morning-- with our Lord, our kids, and our spouses. :)

    Love that picture of Kate with her straight "curled" hair.

    I'm cracking up at Kim's comment about our toddlers being more "reasonable"... lol! Love it.

  9. Praise God for his mercies and grace that are new everyday, because I need them all too often myself!
    Hang in there, I know how hard it is..just know you're not alone! :)

  10. Mommy time outs are important. My oldest is a challenging child. I know all the books say not to be an emotional parent during tantrums but sometimes it feels impossible. So don't feel bad, I put myself in timeout all the time.

  11. mothering is the hardest job you'll ever LOVE. amen?! ;) and another amen for His mercies being new every morning

  12. Hang in there Momma, this too shall pass! I love that you totally put yourself out there ans ask for help, so crucial for success. Praying for wisdom and patience! XO

  13. Oh the terrible twos. I am going to have to go read your comments and check out some of the books people reccommended to you! Cause you know I could use the same ones!!

    My girls LOVE to water our garden too. They want to do it all the time.

    Have you ever tried to braid Kate's hair really tight when it's wet and then in the morning or once it's dry, take it out and it's all wavy? Hannah loved when I do that and the waves stay the whole day. I will put it in two pigtails and braid it. But be sure to use a mousse or gel when it's wet so it will hold. :)

  14. I have one just like feels like a roller coaster some days. And the challenge increases when the kids are different as well. You're doing the right thing my going to the Source and using resources to help you along. If only they came with a manual. Your garden is really coming along :)

  15. friend, i'm so glad to find you here--what a beautiful place you've created, and your girls are so precious. i have a little boy and he loves watering the garden too :) so blessed to meet you. xo

  16. Thanks for your honesty. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only mom who is imperfect. I guess we usually try to blog about happy and positive things, which is great encouragement, but the real, honest posts like this are encouraging, too. You're not alone. As a teacher, I'm professional all day long and keep my cool with students, but my own children sometimes don't get the same treatment. I'm trying really hard to be more patient. Hang in there, Mel!

  17. Get the cheapo sponge rollers - my hair was just like Claire's, and those bad boys were the only things that did the trick.
