

How does your Garden grow?

One of our {many} backyard projects has been to re-vamp our side yard and put in a garden.
When we bought our house last May, the backyard was in rough shape. Really rough shape.
Kevin has been working so hard the past year getting our backyard taken care of.
Last summer was spent ripping out all the dead & overgrown plants.
This Spring we are planting new things & getting our backyard ready for summer.
Here is what the side yard looked like last May:
It was overgrown with weeds, rocks & plum trees (that didn't produce plums)
The area gets a lot of afternoon sun, so we knew it would be perfect for a garden!
Here is another view:
Kevin ripped out all the plum trees last summer & then a few weeks ago he built me 3 garden boxes (that are each 8 feet by 4 feet)
We still have some work to do around the perimeter of the garden
(finishing up weeding, laying ground cover, putting in a stepping stone pathway & planting an apple tree & lime tree)
Last week I got the garden planted!
Because it is our inaugural year for a garden, I planted TONS of veggies in hopes that some of them will produce! I went a little crazy!
Here are the contents for Garden Box #1:

Here is Garden Box #2:

{I have 2 of each of these tomato plants}

Garden Box #3
This box contains 5 Early Girl Tomato plants. Best tomato EVER.
I will be making ridiculous amounts of Caprese Salad with these tomatoes!
I can't wait for our plants to grow & produce home grown veggies!
I have always wanted a vegetable garden of my own.
Here's hoping I have a green thumb & not a black thumb!
Do you have a veggie garden? Any tips for this rookie gardener?

P.S. Be sure to check out some of the amazing Cupcake Recipes posted in my Cupcake Carnival.
The linky will be open for another week, so be sure to add your cupcake recipes!


  1. LOVE IT. I always go crazy with my garden and this year I promised Jon no garden.

    My only tip is on the herbs, particularly basil and parsley, you need to trim them back and use them regularly to get them to grow. You can google this. In NC, our basil plants grow three feet high!!

    Oh and we had a completely separate garden for the boys so they could water to their hearts' content. They killed a LOT of plants.

  2. I have to admit that I'm a wee bit envious. Our Arizona summer weather does not grow veggies well. Add my black thumb to the mix and it's nearly impossible. I still try though!

    Good luck with yours. It looks beautiful!

  3. Wow! You did go crazy! Looks awesome! I am very we have no room for a no tips for you either...but good luck!

  4. I really wish I could get a garden to grow at my house. I have the spot set up and everything, but I can't ever remember to get the water hose over that way to water everything. Darn!

  5. wow, I'd say you are going to have a great first year!!! It looks amazing! My husband wants us to have a garden, but doesn't want to do any of the work :P

  6. I am SO impressed! :-) I only have a couple of herbs. . . but have grown tomatoes and other things before! :-) I bet your girls LOVE going to see if the plants have grown!

  7. Nice! Every year I want to try a garden, but don't dare dig up part of our yard without knowing if I have a green thumb or not when it comes to gardening! :) Hope it works well for you, and I'm sure it will give you lots of good teaching moments with the girls too!

  8. Love it! I laughed because you did plant a lot of differnt plants in a little space. Too funny and cute! I planted a vegetable garden this year, too. My little guys are so excited about it. I can't wait until it's time to pick fresh veggies. My father-in-law is an excellent gardener and he advised me in planting everything. I'm so glad to have him because I had no idea what I was doing. The next thing I plan to plant is herbs. I think I'm going to keep those in containers/pots. I'm giving you a shout-out on my blog tomrrow :) if you want to stop by.

  9. What an amazing garden! I love all of the herbs...I've never heard of spicy basil. I've thought about starting a garden but I don't think we get enough light in the back. Keep us posted on your much fun.

  10. How fun!
    Holy cow, you have an entire produce section planted! :)
    We have our box up and are planting this weekend!! I can't wait!

  11. My gardening skills are a FAIL, better luck to you!

  12. I want it!!!! It looks amazing. You must eat well at your house! One day I will have a garden. Can't wait!

  13. i am WAY jealous of that garden! What a luxury it will be to just go out and pick something as you are making dinner!

  14. oh your garden is so inspiring! I did a very small herb garden last year and found these darning little markers on etsy...just thought i'd share! here's my post with the link:
