

Rainy Day Randomness

How about some randomness on this rainy day?
It has rained for 14 days straight (with a few breaks in the storm)
Twice this week our pool has almost overflowed.
Luckily, Kevin rigged up a hose to siphon the water out of our pool to prevent it from overflowing.
This morning both girls slept in until 9:00!!!!!!
This lazy & rainy Saturday morning calls for hot coffee & cinnamon rolls. And cartoons.
We have NO plans this weekend.
I love weekends like this, especially after a busy week.
And, I have fresh daffodils in my them on sale for a $1.50. Boo-yah!
Look what I got at my happy place (Target) earlier this week:
A coffee table/storage ottoman. We didn't have anything there before, and this is perfect.
Look, it even opens up to store our blankets:
I also got a new vacuum cleaner. My old vacuum cleaner was working great, except the cord was really tangled. You see, I have a bad habit of NOT wrapping the cord back up. Well, the cord was so twisted that it started SPARKING & SMOKING when I was vacuuming the other day....needless to say, it was time for a new vacuum. And, I got this ONE because you push a button & the cord retracts back for you. Genius. It was made for losers like me!
Yesterday, there was a break in the storm & it stopped raining for a few hours so the girls and I played outside to take advantage of the sun. Kate wanted to water all the plants since we haven't watered them in a while (yeah, because it has been raining for 2 weeks straight!)
Check out Claire's crib. She is a hoarder & pack rat. She insists on sleeping with ALL of these blankets, dolls & books in her crib. She freaks if we try and take some out. I don't know how she is comfortable sleeping with all this stuff in her crib.
Speaking of Claire, this girl is giving us a run for our money. We are in the terrible 2's big time.
We have seen A LOT of this on a daily basis. Lord, give me strength & wisdom to parent this child!
Guess what is one week from today?!?! My sister's wedding! I am stalking & making sure there will be no rain on her wedding day. Kevin tells me I am banned from checking it because I check it every few hours!
Here is the 7 day forecast:
I will be hitting up the tanning booth pasty white legs need a little color before the wedding.
Yes, I know tanning beds are bad, but you would be scared if you saw my white legs!

All of this is clean laundry, but not folded.
Guess what I will be doing today?
Folding it & putting it away. It has been sitting there for a week!
Happy Saturday to you!


  1. Ahahaha! That picture of Claire is EXACTLY what we've been seeing with Mase lately. I'm sorry, it just makes me laugh.

    Your new ottoman is perfect!

    The fresh flowers *are* beautiful. ;)

  2. your house looks a lot like mine today! pool [almost] overflowing, the daffodils in the kitchen [trader joes?] and the baby who insists on sleeping with four blankets and mickey, minnie, buzz, etc... [i cracked up at that photo, and i'm so glad mine isn't the only one!]

    have a good weekend! i love lazy [and rainy] saturdays :)

  3. The vacuum cord thing made me laugh because I totally relate! I hate wrapping the cord up the correct way. I always just kind of throw it over the handle.

    Love the new ottoman! And totally agree about Target being a happy place! It's mine, too! :)

    The flowers and cinnamon rolls make for such a happy Saturday!

  4. thank you. your girls are beautiful as well. I see a lot of crying and whinny through out my day too! I'm wanting the rainy weather to go away and bring on the sunshine!! Hopefully soon cause Kaylee is going crazy being couped up in the house! Have a good weekend

  5. oh my - hot coffee and cinnamon rolls sound wonderful - we are dark and dreary here in VA today as well:( Hope you have a great weekend and great fun at your upcoming sister's wedding!

  6. I LOVE weekends when we have no plans!!! I hope it stops raining there soon. That pic of Claire reminds me of Lauren when she was that age, there is definitely light at the end of the tunnel. I love reading your blog because your girls remind me so much of my two. Happy weekend!

  7. I have the same storage ottoman from Tar-jay! Got mine for Christmas.
    And the next time the rain stops, can I pretty please come and hang out by that beautiful pool? We dont open pools here until around late May so yours looks heavenly to me.
    Have a great weekend! We've had a lazy afternoon which is totally uncommon for us too. SO nice!

  8. Can I PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE convince you to spray tan instead of tan??? Believe me, I am a fan of tans as someone who tanned to prep for her November wedding. But then I had melanoma two years ago. And I have some super awesome scars from the biopsies. And I get the treat of going back every 6 months and them being even more aggressive with the biopsies because of my history.

    Let me tell you, those were some CRAPPY CRAPPY words to hear as a 35 year old mom with two 3 year olds - "your initial biopsies came back abnormal and indicates melanoma."

    Everything else about the post is perfect!

  9. I agree with Laura... PLEASE try a spray tan. Make sure to go to a really good salon and get a professional one or even an air brush tan. My step-mom had melanoma. It was such an awful experience and you have to live the rest of your life knowing that at any time it could creep it's ugly self back up again.
    I still love you and your blog no matter what you decide :)

    ON A LIGHTER NOTE!!! I SOOOO need a new vacuum... I keep trying to clean mine out and replaced the filter thinking it will get it's suction back but it doesn't.
    ...and I feel ya on the rain... we live in Seattle so by this time of year we are SO SICK of it!!!

  10. two weeks of rain. WOW! What do you guys do all day

  11. Oh my gosh, that is quite the laundry pile. I bet that was fun.
    Your Claire and my Claire... those girls! My Claire's crib looks very similar! She has to take a couple books in bed with her every night, plus her pillow pet, all her blankets, and who knows what else! The terrible two's this time around are killing me. You should have seen the fit she threw today when we left the Farmer's Market. These tantrums are so exhausting. Lord give us strength is right!!

    Hope your rain stops soon. I think it is supposed to be sunny this week.
    Have fun tanning! I need a tan big time!

  12. That's A LOT of rain! The "watering" photo is too funny. My boys love to help in the yard, but we actually need rain here in TX. The "hoarder" bed photo also cracks me up. Will (who's 4) has so many stuffed animals and blankets in his bed that there's barely any room for him. And, Target, great ottoman. I love Target! Target = Happy Place :) Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  13. I dont have any horror stories about tanning, but if you find the right place, spray tanning is BOMB. Sooo much faster and it lasts a week! It would be perfect for your sister's wedding... Will pray for good weather!

    The look on Claire's face reminds me so much of Ella during one of her "moments".

  14. Claire's bed is like my little boys! So funny! He has so many soft toys, tains and aminals in there he sleeps on a layer of them.... and heaven help us if we remove even one!

  15. I love it! So glad I'm not the only one who stays on top of laundry...ha ha @ least yours doesn't take permanent residence on your couch until you get around to putting it away.

  16. This post SO made me smile on so many levels :)
    The rain...I think I checked the forecast 50 times these last several days for Kieran's birthday all worked out and so will Rebecca's wedding!...parenting a 2 year old...watering the plants, Anna was just doing that yesterday, too!...the flipping laundry-that is what all my laundry baskets look like and my bed, yikes!...we must be on the same wave length, it's time for Spring Break,woo hoo!

  17. Love your laundry photo - it is *so* me. And I just got a new vacuum as well and it's almost like I have new carpet! I had no idea my old one wasn't actually working! :) Enjoy your Sunday!

  18. Came across your blog and I have really enjoyed reading it weekly. That picture of your daughter's crib reminded me so much of one of my daughter's! I do not understand how they can sleep with all of that junk! Enjoy those flowers!

  19. I love the rainy Saturdays, especially when you need a rest! Ours started off with java and cinn rolls. Hello! Best way possible. If my girls only got the sleep in memo. I would take 7:00 at this point. I think we have the same couch in a different color. Where did you get it if you don't mind me asking? Happy Sunday to you.xoxo

  20. Claire's crib looks similar to Colin's... although when he is ready to pass out he freaks out that there is no comfy place to lay down with all that stuff in there.

    Colin's been moody since hitting the twos... right now he is growing some teeth which are making him miserable.

    Sounds like Claire is a lot like Zoey was. Colin is definitely my easy child

  21. The crib picture is hilarious. And after reading other posts, I see it is a common thing to have tons of stuffed animals and blankets, etc... That is exactly how Mia's looked too! Love your updates!

  22. that is some crazy rain!
    i love flowers in the house too, even if they are just a bright little supermarket bunch, i need 'em!
    praying for you, i am SO there with the "terrible twos"! hang in there;)

  23. oh we are doing the terrible twos right now. I didn't think it would come this soon but we are there for sure! Those flowers are beautiful!

  24. Claire's crib made me laugh out loud! They DO come out with their very own personalities don't they?!?! Laundry, laundry...the unending chore!
