

Pajama Day

Yesterday was the first official day of Christmas Break, so I declared it Pajama Day at our house.
I always like to have a lazy pajama day on my first day of "break" (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break & the first day of Summer Break.)
I like having one day of nothing schedule, no agenda & no where to go.
We stayed in our pj's all day & hung out. It was much needed.
On Sunday night, I stayed up & cleaned the house so that when I woke up on Monday morning, I would come downstairs to a clean house. Love that.
And, I was able to focus on the girls all day and not worry about getting things done around the house....the house was clean, so we just hung out in our pj's, doing Christmas crafts:
Even Claire sat still!
We made Christmas goodies ,
watched Frosty the Snowman,
made Peppermint Hot Chocolate.
During naptime I organized my Christmas Dinner Menu & Shopping List (I am hosting Christmas this year for the first time ever! Kevin's side of the family & my side of the family are coming over)
and watched a Cheesy Lifetime Christmas movie
and I folded some laundry....maybe I will actually get caught up with laundry over Break. I can dream, right?
When Kevin got home, he showed the girls a message to them from Santa that he created HERE:
The girls LOVED their individual messages from Santa.
The looks on their faces was priceless!
Today is another mellow day with no real agenda besides Christmas crafts & more baking.
Oh, and I need to wrap Christmas presents...haven't even started wrapping.
We might just stay in our pj's again today.
I just love Christmas Break.


  1. Yay for pj day! So cute that Kevin made the personalized messages for the girls. :) And I looove the lighted garland on your staircase. Super festive!

    Cookie dough balls? I'm going to have to check those out...

  2. That looks like a perfect day. You're making me want two girls, so we can have days like that:) Merry Christmas!

  3. YAY for pj day...I hate to say it, but we have had a lot of pj days around here...and I don't even work anymore.

    Enjoy your break and Merry Christmas!

  4. I am soooo jealous of your PJ day! Looks like you had a great day with the girls. :)

  5. I am so jealous of this day you described. I need one and it just sounds so perfect right down to the hot chocolate!!

  6. Ohhhh love pj day! Everyday should be pj day! I wish it was cool enough here to bundle up - today the high is 80! Glad you & the girls are enjoying your break!
    {Thanks for reminding me - I am starting my wrapping tonight!}

  7. Lovin Christmas break too. And the pj day!

    Delighted to meet you today! Hope you don't mind if I splash around to get to know you a bit more. This looks like a refreshing place to get drenched in some serious goodness.

    Have a joy filled love overflow Christmas,

  8. we did that yesterday, too! nothing beats a good pajama day to get you feeling relaxed and ready for fun. :)

  9. I'm laughing at your cookies...I just finished attempting something like that & it was an utter disaster...They taste good, but they're SO not presentable as gifts! Griffin is very happy about that :) Have a great holiday!

  10. ooooooooh. that all sounds like a perfect day to me. and with all the rain we are getting in So Cal, it's even easier to stay indoors! love it!

  11. Your Christmas break days with your girls sound like heaven... I love PJ days, Christmas crafts, and cookies!!!

  12. Love pajama day! That's the plan for me and my guys over Christmas break. Pajamas + crafts + baking + family time = happiness!!!

  13. Love PJ day!!! We have been known to rock the drive-thru in our PJs... shhhh, don't tell anyone! Sounds like a glorious day indeed. Looks like you are very organized in getting things ready for Christmas, what a wonderful feeling! Merry Christmas to you and your sweet family!

  14. Yay for cookie dough balls!! And pajamas! Life just doesn't get much better than that.
    :) Erin

    P.S. Thanks for linking back to me. :)

  15. awww loved this post. too cute. i have to admit that most of our days around the house are pj days. :)
    and that portable north pole website is so cool! thanks for sharing it with me.

    I'm having a Christmas Family Traditions link up party going on at my blog! if you have a chance I'd love for you to join the fun.

    HOpe you guys have a wonderful Christmas!

  16. I love the fact that you make every moment with your girls count :)

  17. I love that you make the first day of any break an official pajama day! How fun :)

  18. I love pajama days! We have had them this week too. And I told my hubby that I am sorry that I am in a cleaning frenzy, but that's just what happens when I actually get 2 weeks off from work!
