

Advent Conspiracy

On this first day of Advent 2010, I dare you to watch this video from Advent Conspiracy & not be changed.

I have watched this video every year for the past couple of years and it brings tears to my eyes every time. It wrecks me. In a good way.

So, how can you change your Christmas traditions & be a part of the Advent Conspiracy?

Here are awesome organizations that we support :

Charity:Water - a non-profit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations. 100% of public donations fund water projects.
Charity:Water is the organization we used for Project 320 last year & we were able to fund 2 wells in Africa. Kevin's high school small group funded a well in the Spring through Charity:Water during our church's Kingdom Assignment Outreach. We are using Charity:Water again this year for Project 320...details coming soon.

Heifer Project (donate an animal to give a family a source of food for a year. A few years ago, one of my students donated a goat in my name.
Best Christmas present from a student. EVER.

Compassion International - sponsor a kid for $38 a month to give them food, shelter, education, health care and the opportunity to learn about Jesus in a neighborhood church program.

Adopt a Family,
Feed the homeless,
Make a Blessed to Bless Bag,
Angel Tree, Operation Christmas Child,
Donate cans to a Food Bank.

Do Something.

Spend Less. Give More.

It's not about the gifts. It's about the birth of Christ.

Make this CHRISTmas meaningful.


  1. My church in San Jose is a part of the Advent Conspiracy series every year. I'm always challenged with the "give presence, not presents" part of it. I love it and think that we do need to take Christmas back to it's true meaning...Christ! Thanks for the reminder (:

  2. Thanks for posting this video!

  3. Awesome reminder! Thanks for sharing it.

  4. What a powerful video! Thanks for sharing!;)

  5. I posted about Charity Water today--but in a totally different context. :)

  6. Love this video! Thanks for sharing!

  7. i cry every time i see that video. so glad you are sharing it again~

    happy CHRISTmas mel!!

  8. amen sister! i love this and i LOVE thinking of ways to help others who really NEED it more than we do. my post tomorrow is a list from dave ramsey of "giving like no one else." fun!

  9. Love this video, such truth. Love how you paired it with ACTION!

    Merry CHRISTmas indeed!

  10. Love it- so true- so worth the time- thank you for sharing
