


Has anyone else tried the Caramel Apple Spice from Starbucks?
Oh my word. It is addicting.
This is the first year that I have tried this drink and now I crave it.
(I more of a coffee drink or hot chocolate person, but I decided to branch out & I am SO glad I did!)
I don't know what they put in it to make it so yummy.
I swear they put crack in it.
I could drink one everyday.
The last few weeks, I have gone to Starbucks more than usual just so I can get this cider.
(Hooray for Starbucks gift cards....gotta love being a teacher!)
I am glad this drink is a seasonal drink because I need this addiction to end...I just found out yesterday that each one has over 300 calories. Ouch.
But you know what? It is worth each every calorie. Yum!

And, thanks to everyone who linked up cookie recipes, there are so many great recipes.
(And, I am only half way through looking at them!)
The linky will be up for a few more weeks!
Hopefully, you have added some new cookie recipes to your recipe box!


  1. I can't believe you've never had them! I got hooked about 6 years ago when I was in college and they brought a SB to our library (umm, can you say tempting/addicting/horrible for a student's budget?!). I'm pretty sure it's just straight up apple juice heated and then topped with whipped cream and caramel. I've been known to make them at home with my girls' apple juice plus the toppings and it's very close to the same!

  2. Yes Abby is's just apple juice steamed then caramel mixed in and topped with whipped cream! And my Sbux serves them year's just this time of year that they add it to the holiday menu! are making me want one. Bad.
    Happy Holidays.

  3. Yummy!! Haven't tried it yet. Sounds delish!

  4. oh. man. one of the many things about the holidays in the states that im missing this year! i was actually talking to my hubs earlier this week about how much i'd love one of those right now!

    enjoy one for me! :)

  5. How could anything be better than the pumpkin spice latte?!

  6. I can't do the coffee because it is so strong, but I love this cider. It is very, very good!

  7. I love the peppermint mocha, and the eggnog latte. I only get SB once a week, so I stick with my faves. Maybe I'll try that one next time.

  8. I am dying to try the Peppermint mocha. i have a gift card too : )

  9. I love the Creme Brulee Late but I haven't had any this year ... I'm afraid that if I do I will be going to Starbucks every single day

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. You forgot, "gotta love being a teacher in one of the wealthiest towns on the planet!"

    Most teachers get a used vomit encrusted teddy bear wearing a homemade christmas crown...


  12.! I love carmel apple spice ciders too!!

  13. I've never tried that drink but I should! Sounds amazing! It is so cold outside that I need something warm!

  14. I love their Caramel Apple Cider. I'll have to try this next time I'm at Starbucks. Sounds yummy and worth every calorie! I'm working on my cookie post right now and will link up soon.

  15. Never had one either...'till tonite! Erik had a meeting and picked one up on my middle school Starbucks tab ;) I'm hating the post pregnancy weight, but had to add the 300 calories and it was go-od!

  16. you probably dont wanna know this.....but you can order that drink all year.

  17. Oh my. I have never tried one of those caramel apple drinks either. How have I missed this? I am a big starbucks fan!! I must try one asap.
    One of my favorite gifts from my husband out of the blue one time was a gc to sb for $100! It was such a fun gift!


    ours serves them year round too - but check out the link above. All you need is a bottle of their cinnamon dulce syrup (about $8 - which will last you FOREVER) and a bottle of apple juice - you could make tons of them at home for a BIG fraction of the price!

    They are my fave too!! And they have sugar free cinnamon dulce syrup too :)

  19. I'm going to try that drink the next time I'm there and not desperate for caffeine! You're making it sound delicious, but is anything more delicious than coffee? :)

  20. I'm going to try this first thing tomorrow!
