

Go Giants!

In less than 24 hours, our San Fransisco Giants will be playing in the 2010 World Series!

Both Kevin & I grew up cheering on the Giants.
We love them & are now brainwashing our girls to be Giants fans!
Giants Fever has taken over the Bay Area.
Everyone is talking about it & wearing their Giants gear!
Finally, a sports team in the Bay Area that is actually doing well!
It has been a rough past 10 years for Bay Area sports!
(besides the Sharks, as Kevin would like to point out)

And, coincidentally, tomorrow is Sports Day at know I will be wearing my Giants shirt! Can't wait to see all the orange & black all over campus!

One of the items on my "Bucket List" is to go to a World Series Game
(preferably one that the Giants are in!)
Let's just say, this is not the year that I will be going.
I tried to get tickets over the weekend and the cheapest ticket I could find was for $500...and that was for standing room only. OUCH!
So, we will be cheering on the Giants tomorrow night from the comfort of our own home!
Who are you rooting for?
Go Giants....Beat the Rangers!


  1. I looked for tickets here in Dallas too, I wanted to take my sister. We've been raised as rangers fans ;)

    YIKES is all i have to say on the cost.

    Looks like both our teams and the areas we live in could use a win like this for sports moral. Dallas teams haven't been doing well either for the last too many years.

    Go Rangers:)

  2. Since I'm in Texas, I'm a true-blue Rangers fan. My husband loves the Rangers. We've looked at tickets and it's too bad that they are so pricey. We'll be enjoying the game from our living room. Tomorrow is "Rangers Day" at school and we are all supposed to wear our Rangers t-shirts to support the team. Let's Go Rangers!!!

  3. I looked on Craigslist, too, right after they won the other night. Uh yeah...guess we'll be watching it on tv! :)

    Lets go Gi-ants!
    (clap clap clapclapclap)


  4. I was born & raised a Braves fan (closest team to NC) and then married an Atlanta boy so this is a diehard Braves family. However, since your team beat our team :( we are now cheering for the Giants! Go Giants.

  5. So excited for our Giants!! I remember 10 years ago when they were in the world was so intense! I wish I was in the Bay Area to experience the hype, but I'm coming home this weekend and can't wait to watch the games with my family!! Fun fact: my grandpa, Hobie Landrith, played for the Giants. He was a catcher. He was also the first draft pick of the NY Mets back when their team just started! Needless to say, my family are huge baseball fans!

  6. Let's go Rangers :) Considering I was born and raised in Texas and grew up going to the Ballpark in Arlington, I will definitely be cheering on the other team!

    I agree with how fun it is to be so close to the hype! It's fun to see the excitement on everyone's faces!

  7. Haha- Claire's expression actually does look a bit brainwashed there. I'm picturing you waving a pennant back in forth in front of their eyes :D.

    Red Sox fan here! We didn't do so hot this year... Enjoy the World Series! There's nothing more exciting than watching your team play in it!

  8. Good luck for the Giants! I know nothing about sports :) But those hats look cute on your girls!

  9. I'm a braves fan! :) Even through all of these rough years haha! But I'll be rooting on the Giants as well! I've grown up watching Madison Bumgarner pitch in legion games here in Charlotte-- can't wait to see what he's going to do for the Giants in the World Series!

  10. Been following for a few weeks and yet to comment but HAVE to on this one! My first batch of "fear the beard" cupcakes are in the oven as I type. Woo Hoo! Go Giants!!

  11. I grew up on Astros but since moving to central Texas I've been surrounded by Ranger fans.
    I default to cheer for the Rangers but...let the best team win! Have fun watching the game!
    girls are too cute in their pink hats!

  12. Good luck to your Giants!

    It was pretty exciting around here when the Angels made the world series! We all gathered at my Gma's house near the stadium to watch the game, and my Uncle drove down to the stadium with some of my cousins near the end of the game and somehow they got in and watched the last of it in the stands with the roaring crowd! He said the energy in there was incredible!

    Nothing like cheering on your team. :)

  13. I haven't been rooting for anyone, to be honest - but those darling pink caps on your girls swayed me to your team! :)

  14. Uh oh, we might have a little conflict here! This girl is rooting for the Rangers as I am a Texas through and through! I'll still love your blog though.

  15. GO Giants all the way. Yes, we too will be cheering on the Giants from our home, tickets are way too much for us to be attending! Hopefully next time!!


  16. I'm rooting for the end of baseball season. Since it starts again in like 2 weeks right?

  17. Folsom has the Giants fever too.....GO GIANTS!
