

How 'Bout Them Apples?

To me, September is synonymous with apples as October is to pumpkins.
At our old house, we had 2 huge apple trees.
Every September, we would get TONS and TONS of apples.
When we sold our house, I was really sad to leave those apple trees.
Well, our new house does have an apple tree.
But, it is a very, very, very sad looking apple tree:
But, even though it is a sad looking Apple Tree, it still produces apples!
Apples that are perfect for picking & baking with!
So, yesterday we braved the 100 degree heat and picked some apples in our backyard.
Our Apple Tree is so pathetic, Kate can even reach some of the branches!
A lot of the apples had been falling off the tree, so it was time to pick them so we could use them to make yummy apple-ly goodies.
Even though it was 100 degrees out, I had a mission with my apples.
I have never made an apple pie in my life.
It was time. Time to attempt to make an apple pie.
One of the things that made me so intimidated about making an apple pie was making the crust.
After some research (thank you, Internet) I read that Pilsbury's pre-made dough was the way to go. Sounded good to me!
Here is the recipe I used for my apple pie. I combined about 3 or 4 different recipes and came up with this:

1 package pilsbury pre made pie dough crusts (each package has 2 crusts)
6 cups peeled & sliced apples
1 Tablespoon lemon juice
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 Tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
2 Tablespoons butter, chopped

Take the dough out of the package & unroll it.
Peel your apples:
Slice your apples.....
In a bowl, combine sugars, flour, cinnamon & nutmeg:
Press 1 of your pie crusts into your pie dish (I sprayed my dish with Pam)
Then sprinkle in some of the sugar mixture on the bottom of the crust:
Then, combine the sugar mixture & the sliced apples:
Pour them into the pie dish:
Is your mouth watering yet?
Next, sprinkle the 2 T of chopped butter on top of the apples.
Then, take the 2nd pie crust and cover the pie . Or, you can be fancy & do a lattice top.
(That's what I did!)
Using a pizza slicer, cut it into 1 inch strips to make a lattice top.
I just overlapped them to make the lattice. See?
I melted some butter, brushed it on the top & sprinkled sugar on top. Yum.
Bake in your oven for 15 minutes at 450.
After 15 minutes, reduce heat to 350 and bake for an additional 45-50 minutes.
(After 30 minutes, I checked on my pie & the top was browning too much, so I covered the pie in foil. But, my oven can be temperamental, so just keep an eye on your pie!)

When the pie is done, it will be bubbly & golden brown on top!
I did it! I made an Apple Pie!
Claire, sniffing it because it smells SOOO good!
Kate & I holding up our very first pie!
I'm officially a grown up, I made a pie :)
I served it A La Mode...because everything is better with ice cream.
Now, go with confidence and make an Apple Pie!
I want to make another one this weekend...look at all the apples I have left!
But, I am going to make my favorite apple cake with homemade caramel sauce:
Click HERE for the recipe!

Happy Apple picking & Happy Fall Baking!


  1. you are so funny! "now a grown up" haha

    your girls are absolutely precious. I can't tell you enough.

    i bet they loved that apple pie!

  2. I don't even like pie, but I would like one of those as a welcome to the hood gift next month. Cuz that looks good. Thanks.

  3. I still have only made a pumpkin pie in my adult life :) And only cause I felt like you... something I needed to learn how to do! I don't even like pie!

  4. Pioneer Woman apple pie is THE WAY to go! She pours half a jar of caramel sauce over the top at the end. Delish!!

  5. yum! i think i can smell it through the screen. delicious!

  6. God bless the woman who makes her own pie crust. I always (well, I rarely make pies, but for quiches and such) use the pilsbury premade, it's ALMOST as good and 10,000 times easier, win/win!! I am going to Apple Hill this weekend (placerville area) and maybe I'll pick some apples and make some apple pie or cake. You've inspired me! :)

  7. for me, "feeling grown up" happened when I got my first Costco card! I'm making apple pie today to celebrate October. :-)

  8. I don't think you're officially a grown up until you've made pie crust from scratch-- and I can say that because I haven't done it yet either. I've heard PW has the best (and easiest) step-by-step recipe. I say we make a date for Heather to show us how to do that... :)

    We're going to Apple Hill next weekend, and I am totally using your apple pie (and cake) recipes!

  9. I miss your apple tree too :( I LOVED my apple streusel bundt cake last year! If your sad little apple tree has any apples left, I will take some off your hands!

  10. Thank you for the comment on my blog- WIWW is so fun!

    This post has me craving an apple pie in a major way-I've never made one from scratch before.

  11. Good for you on the pie. I am a pie freak. Love to make them. I should do a cherry one in the summer. For some reason, I only do them in the fall/winter. I can hook you up with the most easy and rocking apple crumb topping pie. Good choice on the crust. That is what I use too. I also have a pear pie with a caramel sauce. OH MY>:)

  12. I wish we had an apple tree. We are spending a fortune on apples at the grocery store. Last year our neighbors gave us enough apples from her tree to make a pie. It was delicious and so much fun knowing where the apples came from.

    Your pie looks yummy!
