

The view from here

Did I mention that we have been in Lake Tahoe all week?
The girls & I are here with my parents & sisters (while Kevin is back home working, boo!)
The weather is beautiful and we are having a great time relaxing & playing!
I am actually getting some reading in...
My beach reads:
Here is what I have been reading this week:
For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn
The Shack by William Young
Totally Desperate Mom by Wendy Hagen
Bringing up Girls by James Dobson
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer

I am ADD when it comes to my reading & have been reading through bits and pieces of each book when I get a spare moment!

Before I had kids, I would read ALL.THE.TIME.
I love reading & wish I had more time for it (besides just vacations!)

We are having a great week so far.....Get ready for a picture overload when we get back in a few days!


  1. love the view, wish i was there and thanks for a great list of books to add to my list!

  2. Yet one more thing we have in common-- our reading lists! I am so glad you're reading For Women Only! Crazy how relationship-changing that book is. I'm reading Dobson's Bringing Up Boys right now. :) Then it's TDM.

    Hope you're having an awesome, relaxing time!

  3. Aha! Thought you might be there-explains music class! I'm impressed with all of your reading! I have stacks of books in my nightstand cabinet that are so lonely! I am going to try to read Eat, Pray, Love which digit when Opeah first talked about it...I'm still on chapter 2! Going to try and finish it before it comes out on Aug 13!

  4. Oops, sorry, typing on my iPhone ...should say I got and Oprah :)

  5. Yay!! Enjoy! I wish we were there again. I want to try and go one more time before school starts. Have fun!


  6. Fun Fun Fun!! I've never been to Tahoe and just told my husband that we need to make a trip there some day. It looks beautiful.

    Your reading stack looks like mine! I've always got at least 4 or 5 books on my nightstand (or in my purse, or wherever I am).

    How cool that your friend wrote that back. I clicked on her name that you linked but it didn't work. ?

  7. OH my I LOVE the pictures of the girls! Total framers!

    Looks like you had a great fun!

  8. Beautiful! Looks like the girls are having a blast! I am an ADD reader too. :)

  9. Beautiful pictures! Love your stack of books, too- glad to know I'm not the only person who sifts through 5 different reads at once! What do you think of Shaunti's book? I think they're both great! Happy reading and have a wonderful week!

  10. Oh yay! Ryan and I are wanting to get our hands on Dobson's Raising Girls book. I read the top two books in the past year, and will check out the other two. I've been wanting some suggestions, thanks!

  11. Love these pics and your summer reading. I don't know how you jump around from book to book though! I would get confused!

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  13. Honored that your ADD reading self finished my book! Loved "For Women Only." And I want to borrow "Bringing up Girls" when you are done with it. Thanks. Let's play. We still have the bow up pool thingy.

  14. Oh thank you! I am going to get the James Dobson book. I bet it will be good.

  15. Love your book list and pics! :) I am a follower of your blog! :) Erin

  16. Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope you have a wonderful time on your Disney Cruise. I hope you will blog about it. I have been thinking about taking my children and would love to hear about your experience.
    I am now following.

  17. How on earth do you read all those books at the same time. I could never do that! I would be lost and confused!
