

So close I can taste it....


It is almost here.

This weekend was one of the first weekends where the weather felt like summer, so we kicked it off doing all things "summer-y"

We went swimming at our neighbors house:
Claire LOVED the water!
We would have gone swimming in our backyard, but right now our pool looks like this:
Our pool has issues (which we knew about)
It was drained last week so that they can fix the crack & the leak.
It is also getting new tile & plaster.
They say it will be completed in a few weeks, but you know how that goes with construction...I am hoping it is done by the end of summer!
But, for now we are thankful for nice neighbors who invite us over to swim in their pool!
We also got to enjoy their trampoline.
The girls jumped and jumped and jumped. Thank goodness for the net around the trampoline!
Summer also means Popsicles!
Kate had to have the purple one (of course)
This was Claire's first popiscle ever! She liked it!
Nothing says summer like licking melted Popsicle juice off your arm:
Summer also means juicy watermelon:
and lots of BBQ's!
and, of course running through the sprinklers with no clothes on!
I only have 4 more days of teaching & then it is officially summer break!!!

I can't WAIT!


  1. I love busy summer weekends spent at the pool too! How lucky are you to have your own pool in your backyard! I'm jealous, even if yours is under construction, it will be finished soon enough and you will have years of enjoyment with it. Your girls are very lucky!!! Good luck with the last four days, may they speed by quickly so summer can start ASAP!!!

  2. oh wow, school goes late into summer there!

    great photos....they really all do scream summer, especially the popsicles. my kids eat more popsicles the first week of summer than they do all year long! : )

  3. I am so jealous you will have a pool!!! Ive been dying for one the past few days. 100 degree heat is evil

  4. we have nice neighbors with a pool too that had us over this past weekend! :) happy summer to you!

  5. As a fellow teacher, I am so excited for you to experience that wonderful feeling at the end of the last day of school when you know that you have weeks where you can just enjoy your days and your family! Yay for summer!

  6. Again, you have the BEST. NEIGHBORHOOD. EVER.

    That last picture brings back so many memories from my childhood-- really, really good ones. :)

  7. I wish I lived in your neighborhood - your friendly neighbors sound like they are the best! This post is fantastic, it just screams summer to me - swimming, popsicles, hamburgers on the grill, watermelon and sprinklers! Love that last picture of the girls running around in their diapers, just priceless. :) Hope the next 4 days fly by for you!

  8. What a cute summery post! Hang in there, school's almost out!

  9. nothing says summer like pool, friends and fun! can't wait to see the pool all finished.

  10. YAY you got to go swimming!!! It looks like the girls just loved it!! Way to go Clair and Kate! The pool at your house looks're going to love having it! Happy (almost) summer~!

  11. Im so jealous of teachers with summer break this time of year :(

    We just got our pool open too and the kids jumped in even tho it was frigid, its amazing how they can handle the cold water and love it. Hope your pool gets fixed sooner than the end of summer!!!

  12. your neighborhood is so cool! i want to move in :)

  13. i want to move it...can i? i don't think my hubby would go for it, but i wish i could.

    love the pictures. the girls had that same shirt Clair has on...and i love the purple outfit Kate has cute!
