

10 on 10 :: April 2010

Here is my Ten on Ten for April 2010, which will also be known as moving day, or the last day we lived in our current house! We still have some more stuff to pack up and the escrow doesn't close for another 8 days, but today was the "Big Moving Day" since Kevin will be at his guy's weekend next weekend.

This is Claire waking up in the morning....the last morning in this house.
Last night, Kevin and I packed up a majority of downstairs (and I sold my family room furniture on craigslist!) so when Kate came downstairs this morning, she was quite concerned about where all of our things were!
Here is our wonderful POD. It fit most of our house. I can't believe how much it actually holds!
Kate decided to dress up in this dress up outfit she got for her birthday. Kate has never really been interested in dress up clothes. But, today, on moving day, she decided to dig out all her dress up clothes & try them on. She called this her Snow White outfit (it's actually is a cheerleading outfit)
Auntie El was one of our hero's today. She took the girls on a walk this morning & ended up watching them ALL day so we could pack & get things done. Thanks Auntie El!
(Kate decided that she didn't want to get in the stroller & she wanted to walk instead. That lasted 2 houses!)
One of Kevin's very best friends Brian came to help us load up the POD.
He is a master packer & we wouldn't have been able to fill our stuff in the POD if it wasn't for him. Thank you, Brian!
Here is our lunch, Hawaiian favorite!
While packing up our house, I discovered that I am apparently a wrapping paper hoarder.
I didn't realize I had this much wrapping paper. I found some in the garage, in the hall closet & in our storage space under the stairs. I have enough wrapping paper to last me a lifetime.
Check out my vintage roller skates that I got at a thrift store when I was in college. Kevin hates them. I think they are awesome & I refuse the get rid of them. I have used them maybe once, but just can't give them away!
We moved stuff all day & nothing broke...until 6pm when I was moving a load of stuff to Elyse's garage & my teacup fell out of my car. This isn't just any teacup, it was a teaccup photo prop that I used the teacup for these ridiculous photos when the girls were babies.
R.I.P teacup. You will be missed.

We are about 3/4 done packing up our house. But, we are officially living at my parents now & will finish packing up the little stuff at our house this week. I still can't believe we are actually moving! But, we still haven't found a new house to buy....please pray something comes on the market that we like soon!

If you participated this month, tell me in the comments so I can see your day in pictures.
Hope you are having a great weekend!


  1. Great shots!!! Can't believe you pulled all that off in less than a week!!!! Will be praying for your family to find the perfect house! Take care, see ya soon : D

  2. Looks like you guys had a very productive day! I love your 10s on 10 - I may have to try it out for May :). Good luck finishing up the move, with this weather, I'm sure it beats moving in the winter!

  3. The tea cup looks tiny until you see the other pictures! Good luck with the move!

  4. Love your Ten on Ten! And no, you should not get rid of those roller skates, they are so cool!:) I am amazed that you got packed up so quickly. Good luck in finding a home soon!

  5. Glad everything is almost packed up! At least there are only 41 days left of school, so hopefully you'll have a new house soon and it will be Summer, yay!

  6. Packing is no bueno. Stay strong and enjoy the realizing that you hoard wrapping paper. You're always prepared to wrap a gift and that's something to be proud of!

  7. Wow - you still did your 10 while moving? What a rock star. Love the wrapping paper and the skates.

  8. What a busy and productive day! I know it had to have been bittersweet, as I can tell from your prior posts how much you loved this house, but I'm sure you all will find a wonderful home that will fully meet your family's needs!

  9. I'm with Kate, I totally thought that was a Snow White outfit.

    The tea cup pictures are FUNNY! :)

    You guys are so lucky to have Brian. My dad is one of those "master packer's" too. We could never have moved our stuff home from Spokane without him.

    Happy house hunting!!!

  10. I may have a slight addiction to wrapping paper as well. ha!

    I love these posts. I did one for April! I hope to keep it up!

  11. I pray your house hunting/purchase goes as quickly and smoothly as the sell of your home!!!

  12. Oh boy, the thought of packing gives me the hives. I hope you are surviving and find a fabulous house soon!!


  13. I found a beautiful house in CT!!!! Move with me!!!!!!!!!
