


This little girl was acting a little "off" last weekend.
Not her normal happy self, just a little fussy & clingy.
{cute messy.flower headband from my friend Julie}
You would never know she was "off" based on these pictures. She was happy as a clam, strumming away.
But, on Monday I picked them at my mom's after school & she mentioned Claire wasn't herself either & Claire kept saying, "oww. oww" all morning.
I decided to take her to the doctor & sure enough she had a fever and a double ear infection.
Can you say Mommy fail? I would have NEVER guessed she had an ear infection, much less one in both ears.
She is a Rockstar. Happy go-lucky even when sick.
She didn't let an ear infection bother her, she just wanted to play (her sister's) guitar.
Which, by the way will be a miracle if either of our girls turn out to be musical.
Because if you know Kevin or I we have absolutely NO musical talent. AT ALL.
And, no one in our families is musical. AT ALL.
She just finished her last dose of anti-boitic today.
I am happy to report Claire is back to her normal healthy self.
But, Kate on the other hand has been up all night the past 3 nights coughing.
Kevin and I are exhausted. We feel like we have a newborn again because Kate has been up so much at night coughing away.
Luckily, Claire has slept through it all!
And, to be honest I have slept through a lot of it also because my husband is also a Rockstar & gets up with Kate at night when she wakes up. Thanks for being awesome Kevin, you deserve to sleep in tomorrow!


  1. Those ear infections are tricky! I once missed strep throat in my son because he was adamant that his throat did.not.hurt no matter how many times I asked him. I took him in, and sure enough, his throat was SO swollen with strep!

  2. What precious pictures! Glad you figured out the ear infection. I'm sending good health wishes and prayers your way.

  3. Hope this is the last of the sickness for the season! Glad Claire is feeling better,hope Kate is on the mend and Kevin is catching some extra zzs! :)

  4. Oh, those ear infections get me all of the time...Mara got one about a year ago...that I had no idea about...until she had a fever of 104!!! i felt like a bad bad!

    glad to hear she is feeling better!
    and i can't believe she will wear that headband...i want the girls to get some, but i am worried they will just take them out!

  5. I'm so glad she is much better now!
    These girls are tough cookies. My daughter got 6 teeth at once & she was happy as usual!!!

    Hugs & Kisses for Claire! :)

  6. Poor babies :( Claire is just amazing. I think Mason would be the same way. No Mommy fail there-- how are you supposed to know???

    P.S. I LOVE all the pink in those pictures. :)

  7. It's so hard when your kids are sick! Especially once we become sleep deprived ourselves, and then consequently sick as well. Ah the joys of motherhood. I hope both your girlies are better soon.

    Great pics of Claire! Oh my gosh, that headband is just too die for. So so so cute.

    Have a good and hopefully restful weekend. :)

  8. Hope everyone is on the mend! Poor Claire :( Isn't it crazy how resilient they can be? That is great that Kevin gets up! My hubbie doesn't because my kids only want me...ugh.. :)

  9. Awww, she IS a rockstar! And the cutest, happiest, pinkest rockstar I've seen. Adorable pictures of your sickie, Mel. I'm glad she's feeling better. I hope Kate is right behind her!

  10. Oh, Miss Claire, my little buddy, you are totally a rockstar! And Melissa, until they can actually utter the words, "my ears hurt," it is a complete guessing game, full of human error. Go easy on yourself, we've all been there!

    (BTW, my word verification is "guiter." Funny.)

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