

Family Resemblance?

We think we finally found out who Kate looks like.
Last week, my mom found this old picture of my dad's mom
(Grandma Marge) who died when I was 5 years old.

We always said we don't know who Kate looks like.
Kate doesn't look like Kevin (but Claire sure does!)
She doesn't look like me (*maybe* a little bit?)
We have always thought she looked a little like my younger sister, Rebecca.
Who does Rebecca look like? Our Grandma Marge.

So, what do you think...does Kate look like Grandma Marge or what?
In my opinion, they have the same eyebrows, smile, dimples & face shape.
{I wonder if Grandma Marge had big gap in her front teeth (like Kate's) when she was a little girl?}


  1. i think she does a little bit...and you too!
    i am planning a post like this within the next few weeks...too cute!

  2. Wow! That is amazing. Same eyes too. I see such similarities. I need to post a pic of me as a baby and my Claire because the similarities are much like these. It's crazy how that happens!

  3. Gosh, I think she looks a lot like you. Although she definitely looks like Grandma Marge!! Regardless, she is so beautiful!! I love the gap in the teeth, elle has one too :-)

  4. Definitely the same eyebrows. But I think she looks a lot like you too!

    I love, love looking at old pictures like that. Almost glamourous!

  5. She does have several of her features! I just love to find family resemblances like that, so cool!

  6. Total resemblance! The eyes are different, but I see everything else! It will be neat to compare other photos as Kate grows up!

  7. definitelu a resemblance! and what a cool picture to find!!

  8. She does look like her a little bit! I see the same resemblances you do. Smile, face shape, dimples.

    She is just so Precious!

  9. Thanks for stopping my my blog--your girls are precious. I'm an 8th grade math teacher... I'm excited to keep up to date on your adventures!

  10. such a cutie! she totally looks like your grandma marge...i agree i think it's the dimples.

  11. Adorable...
    And, I saw Tegan's photos of Mason - they are so perfect. :)
