

Claire is 18 months

18 months.
1.5 years old.
One and a half.
Where has the time gone?
I refuse to accept that my "baby" is closer to being 2 years old than she is to being a 1 year old (tears!!!)
In my heart, she is is still a baby.
But in reality, Claire is not a newborn, nor is she a baby.
She is a spunky toddler! With A LOT of energy!
Claire likes to run and run and run.
She is like the Energizer Bunny.
I honestly don't know where these past 18 months have gone.
It feels like just yesterday that she was born.
Claire, you have brought so much joy into our lives the past year and a half.
You are the happiest little girl & always have a smile on your face.
Here are some of your favorite things at 18 months....
-You love your stuffed Melmo (Elmo) & Mouse (Minnie Mouse)
- You love your sister and stick up for yourself when she takes toys from you.
You love reading books & one of your favorite activities is taking ALL the books off your bookshelf. You love coloring with Kate.
You are obsessed with shoes. OBSESSED.
Almost every morning when I get you out of your crib you say,
"Shoes, Shoes" or "Boots, Boots"
And, I have to get a shoe or a boot out of your closet for you to carry downstairs. It is hysterical.
You have officially dropped your 2nd nap & only nap once a day from about 11 to 1.
You are wearing 18-24 month clothes & a size 4 shoe.
You weigh 24 lbs 4 ounces (25th percentile)
You are 32 inches tall (50th percentile)
**At 18 months, Kate was 19 lbs 7 oz & 32 inches.
You are a great eater (unlike your picky sister)
You will eat anything, but prefer to eat what Daddy & I are eating.
During meals, you will open your mouth like a bird & demand that we feed you food off our plate.
I am waiting for your vocabulary to explode. Claire has about 25 words. (I think Kate had about the same amount). I remember after Kate turned 18 months, her words & vocab exploded., so I am expecting the same with Claire.
Both my girls were "late" talkers, but early with rolling/crawling/walking.
You can now open up all the doors in our house. You figured out how to climb onto our bed & Kate's bed. You climb onto the dining room chairs, the table & the coffee table. I am constantly putting you back on the ground! We can't take our eyes off you because you are always getting into something or climbing on something. You are inquisitive & curious. I hope you stay that way!
And, because I love comparison pictures, here is Kate at 18 months in July 2008:
Claire at 18 months in March 2010:
Happy 18 months to my beautiful brown eyed & joyful baby girl.
I love your smile, your energy & your zeal for life! You are such a blessing to our family!


  1. How sweet! And oh my goodness, only a size 4 shoe, teeny feet! My 19 month old wears a 6!! =))) Claire is absolutely beautiful! Happy 18 mos Claire!

  2. Wow. I feel like Claire turned into a toddler over night. SUCH great pictures. (And she is the same size as Mason!)

    Her personality just shines. And I love the comparison pictures. :)

  3. Such a cutie!! Leila's obsessed with shoes too :)

  4. Mel...first off... amazing pictures. So dreamy, colorful...I love them..all of them. Truly beautiful.

    Claire has some tiny feet... Colin just turned one and is a 4....but Zoey wears an 11 so go figure.

    I still cannot believe Claire is even fast it goes. Your girls are so beautiful.

  5. Time goes SO fast, doesn't it?! Anna is still my baby, too :) 2 is next month-what? 2nd to last picture of Claire is my favorite! Definite framer!

  6. Two funny things:

    First, I cannot get over how much hair she has! You've seen how little Addison has and she'll be 18 months on March 26th!

    Second, the first thing Addison says in the morning is Bo Bo because she knows I change her diaper first...ha!!

    What a cutie! Where does the time go?? Also, I think you need to take a trip to Oklahoma so you can teach me to use my camera! Your photography is amazing!

  7. what a beautiful little angel! i love her smile and her joyfulness! what a blessing you have :) in both girls!

    thanks for visiting my page and leaving a comment. i really appreciate it :)

  8. Awww... how precious!! Love the pictures! So bright, so pretty, please, keep 'em coming!

  9. Love the pictures! And my girls have tiny feet too...they will be 3 in is a size 6, the other size 7! And Mara is still in 18-24 month pants that fall off of her...her and Claire I think weigh the same!

  10. Taylor also loves her shoes! She actually has the same ones Claire has on, in a size 4. :) Happy 18 month Birthday!

  11. She's a doll! So funny that your Claire is just a couple of months older than my Claire.

    My Claire also LOVES shoes! So funny that yours wants to take one with her in the mornings. :) Those red shoes are super savvy too.

  12. She is so cute and so happy and Janey is really, really jealous of her cute hair.
    Happy half bday Claire!

  13. What a great post- just brought a big smile to my face! Your girls are so adorable!! :)

  14. Your Claire looks so sweet and I love those patent reds!

    I have an 18 month boy, along with a 4 yr old girl. Where does the time go.

    I found your blog through Genn's if you wondering where I came from lol!!! And loved reading your blog :)

  15. I love these pics. I love her hair. I love her dress. I love her shoes. :)

  16. She's such a doll! I imagine her as a baby still too. And for being a month apart, how does she seem so much older than Brody? (It's the mom in me - he's still a baby, you know!)

    Brody and Claire are so much alike, doing so many of the same things. They climb FAST, don't they? Everytime I turn around he's on top of the kitchen table STANDING UP. Such a stinker!

    And if you think your girls were late talkers, just wait... mine didn't talk much until they were between 2 - 2 1/2 years old! Brody's following right in their footsteps and really only has a handful of words (seriously - maybe 5 or 6!). We're not concerned because we're confident he understands what we are saying and can follow directions, but MAN! I'm eager for him to talk because it's frustrating for us AND him!

    I need to learn some photography tricks from you. You are SO GOOD!!!

    Happy half, Claire!

  17. So, so sweet!!
    Happy one and a half to your girl!


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