

A Lovely Weekend

We had a fun filled Valentine's/President's Day weekend.
I LOVE 3 day weekends. They rule.
Friday afternoon, Kate and I made some Valentine treats for friends.
One of Kate's favorite books is Pinkalicious, so Kate insisted we make pink cupcakes.
I took the easy way out & just bought a box of strawberry cupcake mix.
Note to self: Strawberry cupcake mix is nasty. Totally tasted artificial. Never buying those again!
I should have made red velvet ones like last year.
Kate didn't seem to mind & I kept catching her sneaking licks of batter and/or frosting!
After I washed her hands (I am a germ-a-phob, even with my own kid)
I let her decorate the cupcakes however she wanted.
First, she insisted that every cupcake get a red-hot heart in the middle:
Then, she went to town decorating them. I think she did a great job!
I let her pick out one to eat.
She chose the one with purple sprinkles (of course)
I fotgot to warn her that the red heart in the middle was spicy.
Oops. My bad.
Here is her reaction after eating the red hot.
(Good thing I had milk handy to cool her mouth down)
All weekend she kept telling us that red hearts hurt her mouth. haha!
We also made chocolate & white chocoalte dipped pretzel sticks.
FYI...melting white chocolate is a PAIN in the butt. I ruined the first 2 batches!
Here is one of our goodie bags & Valentine card ready to be delivered!
On Saturday, we headed out to our Reid & Kelly's house in Lodi to go wine tasting at this event:
We went LAST YEAR & had so much fun, we went again this year.
I think this will be an annual tradition. We had more friends with us this year!
We got a tin of chocolates when we arrived at the first winery.
There are 40 wineries that participate in Wine & Chocolate.
You buy a ticket & you get free wine tasting, free chocolate tasting & free food at all the wineries!
Elyse & I at the first winery:
Kevin & Reid waiting in line for chocolate chili. (it was SO good)
The newlyweds, Kevin & Cora!
I loved these wine charms/ornaments. I didn't buy any, but I thought they were funny!
{Click to Enlarge}

The weather was amazing. 70 degrees in February. I love California!
Reid, Kevin, Kevin & Steph:
Me & Kev:
Sisters Picture!
Christine & Kelly and Elyse & I:
Kelly & Reid:
Just like LAST YEAR, we ran into a few "crazies".
The first was a woman dressed as a cupid & the 2nd one was this woman who had WAY TOO much wine to drink & was "dancing" at the last winery we went to. The winery had a live band playing and the way this woman was dancing was WRONG. Just wrong. Kelly got it on video, but there is no WAY I will be posting it. If I did, you would be too grossed out.
We managed to go visit 10 different wineries. We beat last year's record of 7.
 Kate didn't nap all day & fell asleep on Kevin's lap at 6:00 while she was eating dinner.
She was OUT!
She stayed asleep all through dinner, dessert and the one hour drive home!

On Sunday (Valentine's Day) we had a mellow day.
We went to church, cleaned our house, delivered Valentine's cards & treats and then had pizza for dinner.

It was so nice having Monday off for President's Day & I was so happy Kevin had it off also!
We went to Cheesecake Factory for dinner to celebrate our Un-Valentine's Engagement Anniversary.
We had this Carmel Turtle Cheesecake for dessert:
It was the last dessert I will have until Easter.
It was delicious & a great way to end a lovely weekend!


  1. We considered going to W&R in Lodi. I'm so sad we didn't! We are definitely going to have to go next year.

    Um, that cheesecake looks amazing. Good for you for giving up desserts for lent though!

    P.S. I saw your comment on Heather's mini skirt post. We are the same height. I can't find pants that are long enough to save my life!

  2. Yummy to the wine and chocolate event! I was wondering if you were going to see any crazies again ;) That wine and chocolate event sounds fun! I'd love to go, but it conflicts with our annual event...oh well, I'll think of you in spirit every year since we'll both be tasting :)

  3. What a fun way to spend the holiday weekend! You know it must have been a blast since your daughter fell asleep at the table. Ha! So funny!! I love how kids can do that.

  4. need to start watermarking your pics. They are so good and you don't want your girlies on a

    Those shirts came out awesome, I am so impressed.

    The picture of Kate asleep is too precious.

  5. Looks like a great weekend! I love it when my husband and I have 3 days off together too! It's so rare because I work on most of his days off now that we have kids.

    Great pictures. All of them are great, but I especially love the ones at the winery. As much as I love wine I can not believe I have never been wine tasting! One day soon...

    PS- we've also tried strawberry cupcakes...yuck yuck yuck!

  6. Tell the girls they did a cute job on those cupcakes :-)

  7. What a fun weekend! The cupcakes looked SO yummy! Your daughters are just darling!

  8. sounds like a wonderful weekend and i wish it was 70 here...i think it is about 35 today!

  9. This looks like such a fun event and my very favorite part is the sleeping baby on your husbands arm. So precious....

  10. Love watching you and Kate bake together!!! I am hoping I get a little girl one day to do all of the girlie stuff with : ) And so fun to see old danville friends in this posting! Your family is adorable!!
