

Princess {Kate} and The Frog

It finally stopped raining here in Nor Cal, so I was able to do Kate's 3 year photo shoot this weekend!
How cute is her dress?
I bought it from Ashley the designer/owner of Lil Blue Boo.
She makes all the dresses from up-cycled t-shirts & does her own screen printing! So talented!
This dress is inspired by Disney's Princess & The Frog movie.
Even though Kate hasn't seen the movie, she loves frogs.
More than frogs, she LOVES the color purple, so I knew this dress was perfect for her, since none of her clothes are purple (I always end up buying her pink clothes)
*sidenote - The frog is also perfect because she isn't really into the Princess thing. I showed her Cinderella for the first time 2 weeks ago (the only princess movie she has seen. After the movie she told me her favorite characters were the cat, dog & mice. Kevin was so proud since he is anti-princess*
In order to convince Kate to let me take her picture, I told her we were going to search for frogs & she needed to wear her new purple frog dress!
Of course, I have learned that I can't do a photo shoot with her on my own, so I begged my older sister to come with me to help make Kate smile!
Thanks, Elyse!
Kate was surprisingly cooperative!
I think she was just SO happy to be outside!
It has been so rainy the past 2 weeks & this week she came down with a nasty cough (and she has since given me her cold) so we have been cooped up in our house all week.
*This may or may not have been the only time we weren't wearing pj's this weekend*
Kate loved running up the hills, it was quite the workout for me trying to keep up with her!
One of the good things about all the rain is that all the hills around our house have turned GREEN!
It makes a great backdrop for pictures and it is a reminder that Spring is right around the corner!
In order to have her sit for some pictures, I bribbed her with the promise of candy.
It worked, for a minute.
Kate had her 3 year check up this week.
She weighed in at 26.5 lbs (10th percentile)
and is 36.5 inches tall (25th percentile)
I still can't believe I have such a short little girl. I am 5'9", so I assumed I would have tall kids!
Claire is probably going to pass up Kate in the next couple years.....
Gotta love the pink converse!
Kate was bribbed rewarded with a lollipop for her cooperation!
We are back to lounging in our pj's & trying to get over our colds.
I lost my voice 3 days ago...not fun when you are a teacher!


  1. Your daughter is a cutie! Her dress too! I have LBB patterns on my to buy & make list! =)

  2. Adorable! It's 20 months, my Claire outweighs Kate! Hopefully I can get to you take some pics of my kiddos one of these times we're in town-Emerson's were too cute :)

  3. beautiful pictures! I have to reward (um, bribe!) my own kids, too! Normally they groan when I pull out my camera!

  4. How cute and happy is she withe the lollipop at the end?! Hope you're feeling better :)

  5. Mel I LOVE these pictures. Kate looks so beautiful in purple.

  6. She's such a beauty! (And such a peanut!)

    Love her LBB dress and I hope you are all feeling better!

  7. These pictures are adorable! The dress is just perfect!

  8. Love her dress!! So, so cute :) Hope you're feeling better, this rain has been the pits :( although I know we need it, it makes for some LONG days...

  9. How much do you have to pay her to smile and look at the camera? She is so sweet and unsassy.

  10. Such great pictures!! She is such a cute little girl. I love her pig tails.

    Great frog dress too. I bet my 3 yr old would love that. She's a bit picky about her clothes.

    Looks so green where you were shooting. Is that right around your house? It's so pretty.

  11. PS- I bribe my kids with candy all the time to try to get a good picture. :)

  12. I know she is small, but she looks so tall in these pictures! Her legs and arms are so long and she is looking like a big girl. Darling photos, great smile, super cute dress.

  13. Oh my!!! She is SO cute!! These are GREAT photos! Thank you so much for sharing! Can I use one for one of my gallery "shares" this Saturday??? ;) Maybe you can send me one with your blog address as a "stamp" on it!

  14. Kate has got the most beautiful eyes. What great pictures! That green grass really makes the frog pop. :)

    (P.S. I can't wait for you to do Mase's 1 year shoot! Let me know when you have some free time... which I realize is practically never.)

  15. oh man, you daughter is super cute!! I am so glad you liked the heart pincushion. WHenever i come across great tutorials and blogs, i usually post them for my small amount of readers and i can't find my camera charger... thanks for commenting on my blog, i love it!!!

  16. the weather was beautiful here in norcal this past weekend! your pictures turned out great! what cutie little girls!

  17. simply beautiful....

    my favorite is the one with the lollipop

  18. love these pictures...what a little cutie!
    i wish we could get out more for pictures...we did a little winter photo shoot in the snow, because we have so much of it!
