

Sneak Peek: Fall Photo Shoots

I have been busy, busy, busy editing pictures & making holiday cards!
Last week alone, I had FOUR photo shoots.
I didn't realize how time consuming that could be.
Whoa. I was a little overwhelmed to say the least

Now that they are all edited & delivered to the families, I thought I would show you a sneak peek of some of my favorites!

The "C" girls:
The "G" boys:
Baby Girl "E"
The "T" Family:

The "M" Family:
The "P" Sisters:
The "S" Family:
Now I just need to make the Christmas card for our family!
Once that is done, maybe I will be able to go to bed before midnight the rest of this week......


  1. That "S" family guy sure is weird looking...


  2. Too cute Mel! I'll be in your area in January-- I want you to do Mason's first birthday pics! :)

  3. I already told Heather M that I am going to use her photo for MY Christmas card! I can just photo shop our faces in!!!!!!!

    Dont know if I will EVER get to a card this year...
    baking til 2 am with the company of a three year old with an ear infection is hardly feeling JOYFUL!

    It is comforting, in a way, to know that so many other moms are up WAAAAY to late every night, doing whatever creative thing they do...

    now, save some wine for me...ok????

  4. Gorgeous pictures!! Do you like your 50D?

  5. Dang woman. You have been busy. Nice work. After the holidays we need to reschedule our cribbage extravaganza.

  6. Those pictures are darling... totally adorable. Very talented, you are!

  7. Okay, I need Erik to watch the kids while I come over and you can give me lessons...can we do that? Really?! I'll pay you in wine, got plenty of it! ;) Very serious by the way.

  8. i hear you on TIME CONSUMING! it's fun but wow is it ever time consuming. i quit in th eendof october so i could finish before december....still not done! i have 7 sets left! but one at a time they are slowly getting done. ugh!
    i wish i could come so badly to CA. it's hard for me to be there. it just wasn't the right time. next time!
    have FUN! i will try not to cry the whole time that i am not there. :)

  9. It IS crazy time consuming! You did an awesome job. I love the one of Baby Girl E and the SUPER cute M family, of the mom and dad kissing and the little guy peeking up.

  10. All of the pictures are lovely!

  11. MELISSA! Those photos are AWESOME! I'm so proud of you. Great, great job.
