

Pumpkin Patch 2009

Good thing we went to the pumpkin patch yesterday, because it is DUMPING rain today & for the next few days.They are calling this rain storm, "the storm of the season" & it is going to break rainfall records. We got about 3 inches of rain today. That is a lot in 1 day for us wimpy Californians. I don't mind the rain. We need it, we are in a mini drought!Because of all the weather warnings, I decided to take the girls to the pumpkin patch Monday afternoon before the rain arrived.
We had a great time & pretty much had the entire pumpkin patch to ourselves. There were only 5 other families there!
Claire kept trying to pick up all the pumpkins.
She got REALLY frustrated when she couldn't pick them up. That Claire is definitely getting an opinion of her own.
Kate wouldn't sit down & pose with the pumpkins for me. She refused. She wanted to go see the animals instead of the pumpkins. Um, seriously Kate? Where did this come from? This is the girl who refused to go near the animals at the Little Farm this summer. And, now, I want to do a cute pumpkin patch photo with you and your sister and all you want to do is go see the animals? She is SO 2 years old!
So, Claire got picture by herself. I tried to bribe Kate with candy & toys. She refused to sit & said she wanted to see the cows & horses. *sigh*
So, we walked over to the cows they had at the farm.
Here is Kate's favorite cow that she was obsessed with.
This pumpkin patch/farm has a lovely background of hills & vineyards.I loved all the mini pumpkins & goards they had on display:
They have a corn maze that we could have gone through, but Kate didn't want to do that either. Darn cows!
They also had a "fake" petting zoo with animals you could ride on. This made Kate very happy. Here she is with Mimi:
While Kate was riding plastic animals with Mimi, I took Claire to the big pumpkin area:

Then we measured her at the pumpkin patch sign. I tried to measure Kate, but do you think she stood still? No. (She wouldn't stand by it last year either)
Why stand around & get measured when Kate could play on a train:
And, a tractor!
Then Kate spotted the wagons & wanted to pull Claire around. Here, Kate is showing Claire how to climb into a wagon. Claire is speedy & ended up climbing in before Kate!
If you have been around Claire lately, you know that she doesn't need any helping climbing. She climbs on anything and everything! Chairs, coffee tables, toys, get the picture!
Wagon rides are fun!
We had a fun time at the pumpkin patch & can't wait to go again next year!
Click HERE to see pictures from last year's trip to the pumpkin patch!


  1. Something so fun about pumpkins and kids... they are instantly attracted to those funky orange rounds! You take such beautiful pictures.. we are in the market for a new camera, would you mind sharing which you use?

  2. What a gorgeous setting for a pumpkin patch! That picture of Claire's "frustrated face" cracks me up.

  3. Hi Mel! It's the other Heather, that Heather also tagged- nice to "meet" you!

    Your girls are darling!! And we only live about ten minutes from Joan's and love it there!

  4. ummmm that last pic of the girls w/ the wagon needs to be a canvas on your wall!!!
