

Jazz Hands

Friends is one of my all time favorite television shows.
I have all 10 seasons on DVD & have seen each episode more than I care to admit.
And, I totally cried during the Series Finale
(how could you not?!?)

In August of 2008, Kate made this plate with my mother in law & my niece Alexis.
The first few times she used the plate, it reminded my of one of my favorite Friends episodes. You know, the one when Joey pretends he is a Broadway Dancer.
Here is a little clip of it:

So, for the past year, we have been calling Kate's plate
"The Jazz Hands Plate"
Every time she used it I would say "Jazz Hands!" and do jazz hands.
Well, after a few times of me doing that, Kate started copying me.
She would walk around saying "Jazz Hands" and wave her hands like so.
I finally got some pictures of her doing Jazz Hands during dinner tonight.
Sorry for the blurry pictures, Kate has some pretty crazy "Jazz Hands"
I really need to get her on video. It will be great blackmail when she is in high school.
Tonight, Claire started copying Kate's jazz hands.
Dinner time at the Larson home. It's pretty exciting!
(We will do anything to get our picky eaters to actually sit and eat)
Please tell me there are other people out there who are amused when they teach their kids random stuff....


  1. Yes, we teach EmmyKate crazy things all the time and then when she actually does them in public we think "Why in the world did we teach her that silly thing?"

  2. friends is the best show. I also teach my kids totally random things. Its fun :)

  3. So cute! We can't wait to teach Mason goofy stuff like that.

    Add "Play 'Friends' trivia" to our list of sewing night activities-- it's ON sister!

  4. I always laugh when i teach my kids that circles are called triangles..


  5. Now try to teach them the hand movements for 2 legit to quit.
    Show stopper.

  6. OMG I love Friends!! I could seriously watch it over and over.

    They are adorable doing Jazz Hands. lol!!
