

Flashback Friday: Claire with a Bear in a Chair

A year of Claire Bear with her bear in a chair!

See how she has grown...

1 month - 10.09.08
2 months - 11.09.08
3 months - 12.09.08
4 months - 01.09.09
5 months - 02.09.09
6 months - 03.09.09
7 months - 04.09.09
8 months - 05.09.09
9 months - 06.09.09
10 months - 07.09.09
11 months - 08.09.09
12 months - 09.09.09 - Happy 1st Birthday!
Today - 13 months - 10.09.09
Such a huge difference in just a year!

She was so proud sitting in this chair today, she loves being a big girl!
ummm.....Who is this toddler & what have you done with my BABY?
My baby from a year ago is clearly gone.
She is now a walking, talking, happy little girl. No more baby Claire.
Happy 13 months Claire Bear!


  1. I am loving the Flashback Fridays! And what a great idea-- that bear got so small!!! :)

  2. She is just precious! I love the "bear and chair" idea!

  3. Very cute. Now it's your turn. Let's see some flashback Melissa. Maybe some stone washed jeans or pegged pants. Throw in some guess jeans with zips at the bottom please.

  4. She is looking more and more like Kate!! She is still a baby.. still a baby ;)
