

Candy Corn Cookies

A few years ago I bought one of those "Fun Fall Treats" Recipe Booklets while in line at the grocery store. It has bunch of fun Halloween treat recipes in it. In the next 48 hours, we have THREE Halloween parties to go to & I am volunteered to bring treats to all of them. It is time to test out some of the recipes in that booklet. I let Kate pick one out & she chose Candy Corn Cookies (there are no candy corn used in the recipe, they are cookies shaped like candy corn).
Here is what you need:
Candy Corn Cookies
1 pouch of sugar cookie mix
1 egg
1/3 cup of butter, melted
1/8 cup mini chocolate chips (about 2 oz chocolate), melted
Red & Yellow food coloring
8x4 loaf pan
Wax Paper

First, Line your loaf pan with wax paper
In a medium bowl, empty contents of sugar cookie mix, 1 egg & 1/3 cup of melted butter.
Mix together with a spoon (or your hands):
Have your helper take out the red & yellow food dye:
Split your dough into 3 equal parts (about 3/4 cup each)
In one of the dough parts, put in about 2 drops of red food coloring & 10 drops of yellow food coloring. (you may need to do more or less depending on what shade of orange you get)
Knead desired amount of food color into dough until color is uniform.
Press dough evenly in bottom of pan.
Gently press the 2nd ball of dough into pan on top of orange dough:
Melt chocolate & let cool for about 5 minutes.
(While it is cooling, you can let your "helper" test to see if it is cool enough)
Knead chocolate into remaining dough ball until color is uniform.
Press chocolate dough over plain dough in pan, pressing gently to edge of pan.
Refrigerate for 2 hours.
Step 12:
After dough is chilled, remove dough from pan.
Step 13:
Cut crosswise into 1/4-inch-thick slices.
Step 14:
Cut each slice into 5 triangle wedges
Step 14:
Place triangles on a cookie sheet covered with parchement paper. Bake at 375 for just 4 minutes (these are small cookies, do not over bake them or they will be hard as rocks!)
Step 15:
Cool completely.
Store in a cute halloween bowl or a tightly covered container!
These cookies are tiny, which is fun because you can eat 6-7 of them & it is really like eating 2 normal sized cookies!
This was my first time making these, and there are a few changes I will make when making them next time:
  • Some of my triangles turned into blobs as they baked & lost their triangle shape. So, for the ones that come out like that, I am would try and reshape them with my fingers or a spatula immediately after taking them out of the oven.
  • I might double the recipe so that I have bigger cookies & that might help them keep their shape.
  • For the ones that turned out like blobs, after they were cooled I used a knife to cut some of the edges off to make them look more triangular.
Needless to say, I will make these again next year.
They were fun to make & Kate loved seeing how they looked like candy corn.
They taste good! Sugar cookie with just a bit of chocolate flavor. yum!

I am bringing these to a Pumpkin carving party tomorrow night & I am going to put a handful of them in clear bags with Halloween ribbon tied around & give them to the kids as favors!
(I will try and remember to take pictures of the favors tomorrow!)


  1. i am mad impressed that you are 1) attending 3 Halloween parties and 2) bringing treats to all of them!

    Hope you have fun! these look so cute and delicious!

  2. That is the BEST idea for Halloween favors! That would be fun to make and pass out instead of candy too!

  3. Those look like a lot of work, but so very cool. I just did the kreativ blogger thing. Check my blog.

  4. Wow, that is adorable!! Looks like it took a long time to make,but Kate looked super interested and patient the entire time.

  5. I do not know how I found your blog, but its one of my favorite ones to read! your girls are beautiful.
