

Claire's 1st Birthday

On the evening of Claire's Birthday we had a little family party on her "actual" birthday.
Her family & friends party was yesterday at the park, I will do a separate post for that!

Here are some pictures of her 1st birthday celebration!

The cake Kevin's mom, Kate & Alexis made:
Every party needs balloons!
Her presents:
Mommy & Claire:
This is what Kate did most of the day. She pouted. I don't think she liked Claire having all the attention. It's tough being 2 and a half!
The weather was so nice & warm, we decided to move the party outside on our deck so we could all enjoy the nice evening.
I still can't believe how dark her hair has stayed:
My Mother-in-law made this shirt for Claire:
After our dinner of Zachary's Pizza, it was time for Claire to open presents!
She wasn't quite sure what to think about the presents.
Kate had no problem jumping in & helping Claire open her gifts!
A new little people carnival set!
Opening presents takes focus:
All these presents for me?
Claire likes all her new gifts. We are so excited about THIS gift from Grandma! It is being delivered tomorrow!
Now it's time for cake!
Claire eyeing the cake:
Daddy & Claire:
Everyone signing "Happy Birthday"
What is this?
Kate helps Claire eat her cake:
(Kate insisted on wearing her 1st birthday hat also)
Both these girls love their chocolate! (Just like their mommy!)
It's fun to share cake!
Kate is happy now!
Claire ate almost half her smash cake!
All cleaned up & ready for bed! This was one tired Birthday Girl!
(She slept in until 8 the next day!)
Thank you to the Grandparents, Aunties, Uncles & cousins who came over to celebrate Claire's 1st Birthday! Can't wait for your big party on Saturday!


  1. Your girls are beautiful! Happy first birthday to little Claire!

  2. Very sweet! We have the same sand and water table and love it! Though, we've never actually filled it with sand...wasn't thrilled about sand coming into the house on a regular basis, we'll leave that for the park! That and I've been too lazy to go get it! They don't know the difference though and it's definitely gotten good use!

  3. So cute! Kate's pouty lip made me laugh out loud. I love both of the girls' birthday hats together. Lots of pink and chocolate. :)

  4. Hooray baby Claire! Great pics, Mel.
