

Claire is 11 months old!

How is this possible? How is my baby 11 months old?
1 more month until I have a 1 year old? I want to cry! It has gone by WAY too fast!
Half of me wants to freeze time, while the other half loves watching you grow up.
You are still the happiest & smiliest baby. You love all people and everyone loves you!
When we were in Tahoe at a restaurant, you were so happy & all smiles. You were flirting with the table next to us & they kept coming over to you so they could talk to you and look at you. You loved all the attention & smiled & giggled for them all evening!
This summer we took a music class & you would start kicking your legs in excitement everytime we walked into the music room. You love waving your arms to "dance" or banging your hands on the floor to the beat of the music.
You are sleeping great, about 10-11 hours straight each night. You still take 2 naps a day & I can put you down in your crib and you roll over and go right to sleep (big difference from Kate who I had to nurse to sleep for her first year.....) You started sleeping with a lightweight blankey & you love petting it or playing with the edge.
You LOVE your big sister Kate (and she loves you!) You play with one another all the time & one of your favorite games is to crawl under her crib while giggling and having her crawl under there to get you. I love hearing the giggles between the 2 of you. It is sister talk and it makes my heart so happy. You have also started saying a few words within the past few weeks, "mama", "dada", "gaga" (which I think is doggy because she says it when she sees Boulder)
You are a still a Mama's girl, but you are giving your Daddy more attention now. When you hear the garage door open, you start giggling and crawling down the hallway to meet him at the door (just like Kate used to do when she was your age).
I am not sure how much you weigh, I am guessing 17-18 pounds. You wear a size 3 diaper and your clothes are mostly 9-12 months (although I can still squeeze you into a few 6 month onesies)

You are still cruising the furniture & using the walker, but I don't think you are too interested in walking just yet. Kate took her first steps at 11 months, 1 week. And was fully walking a week later. I would be shocked if you took some steps on your own in a week. I am in no rush for you to start walking, just stay being my baby!

You have 5 (and a half) teeth. You are a teething champ & your sleep and mood are unaffected by teething!
You are a pure delight & being your Mommy is SO easy & such a joy!
Happy 11 months Claire Bear! Time to plan the final details for your birthday party next month!


  1. Wow....11 months? Colin is almost 6

    I can see Claire looking so much more like Kate in these pics.

    Can't wait to see what giant birthday blowout you have planned.

  2. So sweet. I like the part about how Claire is unaffected by teething. :) Wow, one more month until you have a 1-year old!

  3. Oh, she is beautiful! And I LOVE that dress.

  4. So adorable! Reading your blog all day at work (in the CU Admissions office) makes me want to have girls someday! And I've always been all about 100% boys. I think I'll be alright with whatever God gives me now, after realizing how adorable girls can be from yours!
