

Claire is 10 months old!

Say it ain't so....10 months!?!
My happy baby Claire is growing up way too fast!
Part of me feels like she was just born, but the other part of me feels like she has always been a part of our family.
I know I say this every month, but she is still the happiest, smiley-ist, easy going baby EVER! Kate was a really good baby (and still is) but Claire is a whole new level of happy baby! She is SO much fun!
We had a jam packed day today (playdate at a friends pool, lunch, naps & then the Fair!) So we kicked off her 10 month birthday by having a little play time/photo session in her room after breakfast!
She is getting harder to take pictures of because she is on the GO!
Constantly crawling, pulling up, cruising & exploring! She gets into everything (Kate's toys, her toys, our shoes, the wine rack) You name it, she wants to explore it!

Her new favorite activity is to crawl over to her bookcase and pull ALL the books off the shelves.

I still can't get over how dark her hair is still. I thought for sure her dark newborn hair would fall out & lighter hair would come in. Well, her newborn hair never fell out, but more hair kept growing in. And, I think it is going to be thick, it has such a different feel than Kate's (thin) hair did at this age. She obviously gets her hair from her Daddy!
At 10 months, Claire fits into some 6 month clothing, but is mostly in 9 month.
She wears size 3 diapers
(I moved Kate into 4's so that they weren't wearing the same size...)

She is sleeping 10-11 at night (AMEN!) and takes 2 naps a day. I am trying to figure out how coordinate her 2nd nap with Kate's nap, some days it happens & when it does, it is great!
Claire will still eat anything I give her. This past month I have been giving her more table foods (pancakes, waffles, crackers) She is in heaven!
She is nursing about every 4 hours during the day.
She still only has her 2 bottom teeth, but the top 4 are about to break through (1 actually slightly came through her gums) Teething doesn't bother her one bit!
She started practicing using a sippy cup, but isn't so good....yet!
She babbles all the time & mostly says "dadada or bababa"
Claire is still a Mommy's girl (and Kate is still a Daddy's girl)
And, of course, the comparison picture. They look so different to me!

Happy 10 months Claire, we love you SO much!


  1. It was so much fun to meet those cuties yesterday! I love your monthly recaps!

  2. Thanks for following my blog! Your girls are ADORABLE!

  3. You can tell from all your pictures of Claire what a happy baby she is. It is just amazing to watch them grow and learn. Thanks for sharing. :)

    Happy 10 months Claire!

  4. Awww! She's adorable! And pulling the books off the shelf is one of anya's favorite activities too

  5. As babies Kate and Claire look very different but current Kate looks a lot like current Claire :)
