

Oh, Happy Day!

Guess what just arrived on my doorstep?

My NEW camera (the Canon 50D)!!!

It is my Birthday/Anniversary/4thofJuly/Labor Day/Thanksgiving/Christmas/"insert any holiday of 2009"/ Present!

Thank YOU Kevin (and my parents & In-laws)!!!! You Rock!!!

The battery is charging as I type.
Get ready for MASSIVE picture overloads in the next few days & weeks.
This Mama-razzi is going to go even more picture crazy this summer!

And, my carpet is getting steam cleaned at the moment while the girls are with my mom.
My carpet is the bain of my existence.
I hate.our.carpet. Worst. carpet.ever.
I am so happy it is getting professionally cleaned.

What a great first day of summer!


  1. COOL! I can't wait to see more pictures of your beautiful girls!!!

  2. what happened to your old camera? it took such great pics.

  3. what FUN!!!! What better way to spend the summer??
