

10 on 10 :: June 2009

10 on 10 : Take a photo once an hour for ten consecutive hours on the tenth of each month. Document a snapshot of your life and find beauty among the ordinary things of your day.

Wow, today was a super busy day, so my 10 on 10 is all over the place!

Calendar on my desk at school:
All the math textbooks turned in from my students & on the bookshelf:
This plant will not be watered until the end of August, it has miraculously survived the past 5 summers I have left it in my classroom without getting watered during summer break.
Reading books before naptime:
Love her big brown eyes:
Hydrangeas in my front yard:
Bo Bo the Wonder Dog:
We brought dinner to the Dowd's. Big sister Beka & 5 day old baby Kira:
Kate and Grandpa Jimmy at Torrey's Graduation Party:
Great way to end a busy day. One of my favorite summer shows
(besides The Bachelorette & Top Chef Masters)
Join in the fun for 10 on 10 in July!


  1. I just might! So jealous of those hydrangeas!!

  2. Happy last day of school!

  3. What a fun idea. Its quite possibly I'm already on over-kill with the "everyday" photos, but since it is primarily a family journal, I don't care too much.

    Happy summer! Is the last day more exciting as a teacher or student?
