

Date Night.

At Target.
By myself.
This is one of my most FAVORITE things to do.
(well, besides going on a vacation to Hawaii!)
No children in my shopping cart.
Didn't have to keep putting Kate back IN the shopping cart.
Girls at home with the husband.

I got to browse through EVERY.SINGLE.AISLE.
and, I didn't have to rush.

I {HEART} Target Date Nights.

I got this:
because Kate did this 3 days ago & it isn't washing out:We leave for Florida in a week & I got this to take on our flight because we are taking a red-eye at midnight. This stuff knocks you out.
I got this for the beach:
I will be reading these:
(2nd & 3rd books in the Twilight series)

Thought this tank top was cute:
I think Claire has eczema, so I picked up these important products: Hopefully it will help the patches on her arm go away:
Our Target has a little ballet section that I discovered tonight.

I want to sign Kate up for a ballet class this summer:Isn't this ballerina skirt cute? I got Kate one in XX-Small!

Claire is eating these now:

But, the main reason I had to go to Target was because I have a sinus infection right now.
I seem to get them EVERY May or June.
Lucky me.
I am allergic to penicllin, so my anti-boitic choices are limited.
And, because I am nursing Claire, those limited options are completely out.
My doctor told me I can only take Claritin. What a waste of a $20 co-pay.

Hopefully the Claritin will help me feel like there isn't a brick on my face. If you have had a sinus infection, you know what I mean. And, my teeth feel like they are going to fall out. Good times.
My doctor also told me to buy a Sinus Rinse to get all the junk out. Ewwww. Have you tried one?

I did my first one tonight. Interesting. Very Interesting. It felt weird. I get to do it twice a day.
I told Kevin he should try it. He said "no thanks".

I should buy stock in Target.
As soon as I walk in the door, they immediately have AT LEAST $100 of mine.
I might give Target up for Lent next year. Seriously.

I love you Target, can't wait for our next date!
Do you ever go to Target for a date by yourself?
I highly suggest it!

Now I am off to check some of my favorite blogs, facebook, catch up on our TIVO'd shows with Kevin and eat some ice cream....also some of my favorite things to do!

I had a great Friday night, how about you?


  1. Oooh, I'm so jealous. I don't think I've ever had the priveledge of being ALONE there. They immediately have $150 of mine upon entry, sadly. I've been meaning to get a nasal rinse, too. UGH!!

  2. I LOVE Target alone!! Too bad I get so swept away by being able to browse that I normally get a call from Jason asking me where I am!

    Have fun in FL! the weather is amazing!

  3. (and i took the Twilight books too. Great minds....)

  4. We went to one while in Lynchburg yesterday and I thought I was in HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE life without a Target!!!!! I also hate sinus infections. Poor you, they hurt so bad!!!!

  5. I love your Target date nights. I have one of those every now and then!

  6. Today I went to Target for Cat food which cost $4.04, when I checked out I had spent $77.89, happens every time I go in there! Giving it up for lent I saved a ton of money.

  7. Well, the nearest Target to me is two full hours away. I don't get to go that often, but it sounds like you had a great time.

    I'm a first time visitor. Your blog is super cute (and so are those kids.) :)

    Marla @

  8. Love your list!! I could spend all night in Target by myself!!
