

Pumpkin Patch or Bust.

Well, it was a BUST.
The weather has finally cooled down, so it was time to take our annual trip to the Pumpkin Patch.
Usually, my mom and I take the kids after school during the week because the patch is vacant at that time. There are no crowds & it is GREAT.
We planned on going this week, but because of a rainy forecast  (YAY!!) Kevin & I made a last minute decision to go on Sunday afternoon.
It was a TOTAL BUST.
It was SO crowded. I mean people EVERYWHERE.
And, it was windy. Dust flying everywhere, in our eyes & we could barely look up at times.
Did I mention it was crowded? And apparently, when you go on the weekend, you have to PAY for things like the corn maze & hay rides. When we go during the week, all that stuff is FREE.
We were so miserable, we only stayed at the patch for 30 minutes. 
Despite our short time at the patch, I managed to get some pictures of the patch. 
One of my favorite things to photograph is pumpkins!
My whole objective while at the patch was to get a cute pic of all 3 kids with pumpkins around them.
Because it was so crowded, people kept (unintenially) photo bombing our picture.
This was the best I could get & it's not good. Ha! But, it is real life people.
Luke was asleep, so I thought I would get some of him by himself.
FAIL. He woke up & was MAD.
 He probably didn't like all that dust blowing on him, so Kevin rescued him.
He remained in his stroller for the rest of the time. 
(Here is a comparrison pic of Claire & Luke in the same outfit from her first time to the patch)
We attempted to go to the corn maze & the hay ride, but there were lines & it was a rip off, so we just walked around checking out the free stuff.
Farm favorite. {insert sarcasm}
I did have fun photographing pumpkins & gourds!
The girls played around on the fake animals & then we were outta there!
Luke was much happier once we got home (and once I took the ridiculous pumpkin hat off him)
So there you have it, our 2012 trip to the Pumpkin Patch!
Going to the Pumpkin Patch truly is one of my favorite things to do, but just not on the weekend.
I am never, ever, ever, ever going on the weekend again! 
I am glad I had the girls in bright colored matching shirts because I could easily spot them when they ran off into the crowds of people. Yikes.
I think I was too sleep deprived & cranky to deal with all the crowds & people that were there.
Can't wait to go next year.....on a weekday afternoon! 
Who's with me?


  1. ughh...that's no fun at all! i hate crowds like that!

  2. I feel you. We went for the first time ever two Saturday's ago. I had no idea how popular pumpkin patches were. It was ridiculously crowded. I felt like I was at Disney. It was fun, but we didn't get to do some of the cool stuff because the lines were just way too long. Definitely going during the week next year, too!

  3. Blech, crowds and wind are no fun! But cute babies are way fun! Those pouty little lips in the comp picture are so stinking cute, and they look nearly identical! Your girls are getting so big now- so beautiful! =)

  4. Definitely weekday. We have yet to go and MAY make it on Sunday, but I'm not sure. It's been a slow Fall. Your pictures are cute and how how much fun that you all had...except sweet Luke getting upset. Here's to next year...during the week ;)

  5. Such cute pics! And I LOVE your cardigan!

  6. I look forward to taking my girl to the pumpkin patch every year, it's also my favorite thing to photo. We are going later this week and your pics made me even more excited!

  7. Your babies are too cute! I cannot fathom that BOTH girls are almost the same height with their age difference...

    I love pumpkins pictures, and you are so talented.

  8. Still love the pics! Can you text or FB me which patch you went to...I want to go Thursday!

  9. Yes, a weekend pumpkin patch visit is the only way to go. Even though it was busy you still got some great pictures.
    My little one had the same pumpkin shirt...LOVE IT!

  10. Crap! I was going to take the kids this year since we hadn't been to that one! We are set to go this weekend with my mon, but if it's that busy, might not drive all the way out there! Might just go to the one in SR!

  11. I loved his hat! I think Claire and Luke have the same adorable lips :)

  12. Bummer it was so crowded! Looks like you still had fun though! Adorable photos, you are so good at photography!

  13. Oh real life...if only it were more glamorous, ehh? I actually love the pic of all 3 of the kids. Btw...Luke looks so much like your hubby in that last pic!

  14. I think that picture of your three kiddos turned out great! It's very candid. Precious! I love the one of your hubby with Luke too. Glad you guys were able to make the most of it! And that's good to know about going on weekdays instead of the weekend- I had no idea the same activities are free!

    Have a great day!


  15. I just saw your comment on my blog and immediately came to check yours out! Such a sweet last name we have:) Your family is beautiful and I love all the pumpkin pictures. I can't believe our husband and I ust got iphones too a few weeks ago, we love JESUS, I love wine and coffee (who doesn't), I want 3 children, and we have one dog. The only difference is replace soccer with basketball! Can't wait to follow and to check out your etsy shop!

  16. Gorgeous pictures of the pumpkins! So sorry it was not fun, I saw the line of cars backing up to the pumpkin patch near us last weekend and wanted to run and hide. I'm thinking I'll get ours at Safeway this year to avoid all of that.

  17. oh no! we are planning on going this weekend to take a hayride... haha maybe I should reconsider?!

    You have a gorgeous family!

  18. Found you on the mommy brain mixer this week! Following and commenting from
    I hope you'll come check me out and do the same. Thanks <3

  19. I love your blog and I saw the Canon camera at the top. I have really been wanting to get a really good camera. I was wondering what Canon you had? There are so many different ones to consider and I love your pictures! Thanks Noel :)

  20. Looking for a pumpkin farm near me? Visit Kustermans Adventure Farms for an unforgettable pumpkin-picking experience! Our farm offers a wide variety of pumpkins, perfect for carving, decorating, or baking.
