

It's Been a Year.

A year ago today, was one of my scariest moments as a parent and I had to call 9-1-1 because Claire had fallen, passed out & wasn't breathing.
Turns out Claire has Breath Holding Spells.
Basically, this means that if she gets hurt or has a temper tantrum, she will cry & get so upset that she will (sometimes) hold her breath which causes her to pass out.
Since it first happened a year ago, we had no idea what we were dealing with.
It's not life threatening, but it sure is scary when it happens.
And, it happens about twice a month.
It happens mostly when she is overly tired.
At first, it only happened when she got hurt, but lately it has been happening when we try and discipline her or she doesn't get her way.

She will pass out for about 10-15 seconds and then she will come to.
It freaks me out every time it happens. It is so scary.
Even though I know she will start breathing again, it still rattles me.
How can it not? Seeing your child turn blue & stop breathing is scary....even if you know she will start breathing again.
I talked to our Pediatrician about it a few weeks ago because her spells had been getting more frequent.
Basically, he said there is really nothing we can do to prevent them. But, not to worry because it isn't causing brain damage and that she will start breathing after a minute (or less).
He reassured me that some kids have them 2-3 times a week (which made me feel better that we only deal with this a few times a month).
He told me to get her some vitamins that have Omega 3 & Fish Oil because that will help with the neurological part of it and will help her brain remind her to breathe and not hold her breath when she gets hurt/upset.
Yesterday, Claire had a really bad one.
It was the longest she had passed out in a few months.
And, it was reminded me of exactly one year ago when it first happened.
It was a bad case of deja vu.
But, after 20 seconds, she started breathing again, just like she always does.

Most kids grow out of it by age 4 or 5.
But, I told Kevin last night that I am going to start specifically praying that she out grows it immediately. I don't want to wait another year or 2 having her pass out.

Because Claire has Breath Holding Spells, it makes it really, really, really hard to discipline her because (most times) when we try to discipline her, she gets upset, cries, usually holds her breath and passes out. This has lead to us giving in to her and not disciplining her like we should because we are fearful of passing out. It is a double edged sword, because we are still going through the terrible 2's with her and she really needs to be disciplined, but yet we are so fearful of her passing out. We try and use a gentle tone with her to avoid this, but even with a gentle tone, sometimes you can't reason with her. Even though I know she will start breathing again if she passes out, it is just awful to see your child limp and not breathing, even for 10-15 seconds.

Does anyone have a child that has or had Breath Holding Spells?
I would love any input or advice on how you deal with the spells and tips you have regarding disciplining a child who has Breath Holding Spells.
This parenting stuff is hard.


  1. I, too, will be praying that Claire grows out of this immediately. I can't imagine how scary that would be!

  2. Oh my goodness thats awful! And as thankful as one can be that its not considered "serious" Im right there with you...Id be terrified.
    At the same time its giving her alot of leverage when it comes to getting discplined too.(Please dont think I say that judgementally Mel). I'll be praying for you guys about this. What a huge relief it will be once she outgrows it.

  3. At work, there's a baby in my class that does that too. When she gets really upset, especially when she's overly tired, her body goes limp and she passes out. Unfortunately, there's no way to reason with her yet as she's only 11 months old and sometimes cries to that extent just because. It's really scary. Wish I had some advice for you! I'll be praying for you guys & Claire.

  4. I did it as a child and it was something I did out grow and I don't even remember doing it. I think it lasted 2 years, but I would have to ask my mom.

    Praying for you guys.

  5. Oh Mel I had no idea. How scary! I'm sorry that you guys have to worry about this. I hope that she grows out of it really soon. I'm sorry I don't have any advice for you on the subject. Hang in there and I hope it gets much better soon. xo

  6. Wow! I remember that original post. I have no experience with anything like that, but I will for sure be praying that she outgrows it now rather than later!

  7. lots of prayers for you guys, seriously. what a little predicament your doll has put you in.

    definitely not easy.


  8. Scary! I have no advice to offer just prayers that she outgrows this quickly!!

  9. okayyy mel. SCARY. now i see that little incident at your house a whole lot different. sorry i wasn't more helpful. NO idea. will be praying with you that sunday was the last of that scary business.

  10. OH MY WORD. . . I cannot imagine. . . wow. . .I am PRAYING PRAYING PRAYING that she grows out of it immediately!

  11. oh poor scary i can't even imagine how terrifying that would be. i'm no help, but will be praying.

  12. I had a student do this and it was so hard to deal with. I know it must be equal parts scary and frustrating for you as it keeps you from parenting the way that you would like.

    I'll join with you in praying with expectation that she would outgrow this soon.

  13. Oh my goodness... My hubby has Vasovagal Syncope and I have had to call 911 for him too, it's also called Flight or Fight, but that not breathing passing out is so stressful to those watching it happen... His is only triggered by PAIN... The cardiologist told us when he passes out to raise his legs up in the air and he would come to faster...

  14. This is such a tough situation. I know you struggle with how to handle it properly. I know I would, too. It sounds very scary even though you know she will breath again. I pray that she grows out of it quickly and that in the meantime you have the wisdom and discernment on how to discipline her as needed minus the passing out.

  15. I know that must be so scary. Praying she grows out of it very soon!

    I had a fellow classmate that was in Kindergarten and first grade with me that did this whenever he got in trouble by the teacher. I remember the teacher talking to all of us separately telling us that (and I'm guessing this came via his parents... I hope?!) the best way for all of us to handle it was to not make a big fuss over him when he did it. I only remember it happening a handful of times, and it was handled quickly and class resumed as normal. I do not remember it happening after those early years of elementary school, and I knew him all through middle and high school. So I'm guessing he did grow out of it.

  16. Praying for you and sweet Claire! I hope she grows out of it very soon!

  17. Hiya, yes Reuben does this. He hasn't passed out completely yet but goes blue, falls to the ground and kind of cramps up. His hands curl up, he can't talk and it's awful to watch. It takes him a while to "come to" fully and he's generally upset for ages.
    I have found if we can stop him before it gets bad we just move onto hard crying. The doctor said to me to try and "shock" him into breathing by blowing sharply on his face. I grab him and tell him "breathe" while doing it.
    To be honest it works some of the time and not all the time.
    I was also told he'll grow out of it and it's not dangerous.
    Standing with you in prayer!

  18. oh, girl! that sounds awful. 1-2-3 Magic is my favorite parenting book, and it WORKS.

  19. Thankfully my kids don't have this condition because I would be a super bad mommy and NEVER discipline them. No joke. Never. I would FREAK OUT. In fact, this whole thing freaked me out. I had no idea it even existed. SO MANY prayers are being said for sweet Claire right now. Big hugs, mama! xo

  20. I agree how hard parenting is! I wish that I had some great advice, but I don't :( I will pray the same as you though that she outgrows it now!

  21. Yikes! I have heard about this "phenomenon" of breath holding, though have never experienced it with my kids. I'll keep your family in my prayers. Scary stuff!

  22. Thank you so much for finding my and your girls are precious!
    I don't have experience with breath holding spells, but we deal with anger outbursts in our oldest that bring me to my knees!
    I know the pain of not knowing what to do and I am going to join you in praying that these spells stop immediately!

  23. My nephew has this condition also and it seems to happen for the same reasons as Claire. He either is overtired or does not get his way. His parents were also told to blow in his face when it happens and it would remind his body to breathe and bring him to more quickly. Also I agree with Magic 1,2,3 being a wonderful book! It saves a lot of arguing especially with older children and it allows little ones just a little bit of grace (time) to do the right thing! A funny story about that method is that you count and if your child reaches 3 they suffer a consequence. Years ago, i was at a playdate and I had a mother tell me how amazed she was that my son always responded by the time I got to 3. Before I could answer, she told me that she had gotten as high as 19 with her child and he still wouldn't do what she had asked!!! Obviously the idea of 1,2,3 went over her head, I still laugh every time I think of that story!

  24. My nephew has this condition also and it seems to happen for the same reasons as Claire. He either is overtired or does not get his way. His parents were also told to blow in his face when it happens and it would remind his body to breathe and bring him to more quickly. Also I agree with Magic 1,2,3 being a wonderful book! It saves a lot of arguing especially with older children and it allows little ones just a little bit of grace (time) to do the right thing! A funny story about that method is that you count and if your child reaches 3 they suffer a consequence. Years ago, i was at a playdate and I had a mother tell me how amazed she was that my son always responded by the time I got to 3. Before I could answer, she told me that she had gotten as high as 19 with her child and he still wouldn't do what she had asked!!! Obviously the idea of 1,2,3 went over her head, I still laugh every time I think of that story!
