

10 on 10 :: January 2014

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}
ten on ten button

It's the first 10 on 10 for 2014.
What I love about January is that it's a fresh start, a clean slate.
I always get the itch to clean out my house & keep things simplified in January. 
I think this set of photos reflects that! 

Here is a sneak peek at our day:
I love the morning light in my kitchen. I also love white hydrangeas. So fresh and clean.
Claire has been sick the past 2 days.  100 + Fever & Cough. Fingers crossed Kate & Luke don't get it next.
Headed off to school. Every Friday we have some sort of themed dress up day. Today's theme was Cozy Winter Wear (Even though it has been bewteen 65-70 degrees all week....) So, in honor of the theme, I wore my new boots I got for Christmas.
Boots available here & here

The door to my classroom:
(Did you know that I teach 7th grade math in the same classroom that I had 7th grade math in when I was in middle school? It is fun teaching where you attended middle school.)  

After school, I picked up the kids at my mom's. Even though she was sick, Claire was still a princess today.
 What I love about teaching part time is that I get to have lunch at home. Today I had an amazing salad for lunch. I will be blogging the recipe involves beets, mandarin oranges & goat cheese. YUM.
Waiting in the pick up line while we get Kate from school. Luke was in his pj's all day. That's how we roll.
Kate & the Rainbow Loom. All Day, Everyday. Obsessed.
After school snack. I made a "chocolate" shake for the girls and I. I am trying to get the girls to eat more protein (we are carb junkies & the girls always get hungry an hour after they eat dinner, so I am trying to bulk them up with some good protein.)
Chocolate Almond Milk, Ice, Banana, Avacado, Peanut Butter, Honey & some Chia Seeds. 
It was SO good and so filling.
(The girls asked what the chia seeds were....I said they were chocolate sprinkles. LOL)

Snapped this as the sun was setting and as an airplane was flying across the sky making "stripes"
Friday night means Pizza night (and wine) I've been obessed with this topping combo for the past 6 months...pepperoni, pineapple & jalepenoes. Seriously good. Something about the sweet of the pineapple and the spicy of the jalapeno/pepperoni. SO good.
So, there you have it.
Our first 10 on 10 of 2014. Love this project and documenting our lives each our on the 10th.
So happy it is is always brutal going back to school after 2 weeks of Christmas break.
Looking forward to a (hopefully) relaxing weekend!
Hope you had a great 10th!


  1. I loved all 10!! I didn't know you only taught part-time? Why didn't I know that? I feel like such a bad friend :). I love the pizza night too! We do pizza on Sunday nights!! This is always one of my favorite posts!

  2. Love your 10 on 10. I've just done this for the first time, is there a linky anywhere?

  3. Ahhhh never mind just noticed it at the top of your post!

  4. How did I not know that you had math in the same classroom? Ha! I guess some things in the master schedule never change ;) And Rainbow Loom? Kieran=Totally obsessed too! He has rainbow ladders and starbursts that he's made half way up his arm! Gotta get myself on the smoothie bandwagon again...gonna do that right now :)

  5. Love your ten on ten! We also had our Friday night pizza...such a fun way to start the weekend!

    I have a question...I use blogger for my blog and seem to always have problems with them. I now can not upload frustrating! Are you happy with who you use for your blog? Blog Her? I need to make a change but am not great with computers so change is a bit scary for me.

  6. That chocolate shake looks really good (& healthy)!
    LOVE your new layout!!
