


I don't know how we escaped the "why?" stage with Kate.
She never went through it (thankfully!)
But, Claire?
She sure is making up for it.
Everything we ask her something or tell her something, we get a response of "Why?"

Claire, don't drink out of the dog's water bowl.
Because people drink out of cups.
Claire, don't climb on the dresser.
Because it could fall on you & you could get hurt. We climb at the playground, not on dressers.
Claire, we don't we draw on the walls.
Because we draw on paper & coloring books, not walls.
Claire, we don't stand in the bath tub.
Because we sit in the bath tub.
Claire, don't run around the house.
Because last time you ran around the house you fell & we had to call 911.
Claire, don't bite your sister.
Because we use our mouths to eat food, not bite.
We don't bite people. We need to be kind to others.
I'm telling you...this little girl is a firecracker & is already giving us a run for our money!


  1. Gotta love those "why munchkins!" I thought I'd lose my mind with mine, and then I started saying, "YOU tell me why." And she would. And eventually the why's subsided. :) Have fun.

  2. oh, i have one of those too! i can't believe she can ask so many times and ask over and over about the same thing.

    finally, i just say you tell me why.
    that has helped in our house!

  3. Oh that is too funny. The "whys?" can be sooo exhausting some days too! She's so cute though!

  4. haha that is funny. She definitely is a firecracker! and cute too!

  5. I know it's not too funny, but I was laughing.
    I babysat a little boy who did the same thing. Why? Why? Why? drove me crazy by the third why.
    Kenzie doesn't do the Why thing. But she does ask a ridiculous amount of questions.

  6. I love the "Claire, don't bite your sister." The family likes to remind me how I used to bite Sandi... but of course, she was too perfect to ever bite me...

  7. Claire needs to come and hang out with my Charley - What is that Mommy? My sewing machine. Why? Because that is what it is called? But why Mommy? Because that is its name? Buy why? ....EHHHH!! and then now when we ask her back...Why Charley? She says "because..." and then answers us back...not sure where she gets that from!! oh joy :)

  8. From one who recently survived the "why" phase, this too shall pass! I am proof... and you will live to tell about it. barely...:)

  9. I totally feel your pain! I have a little firecracker just like yours. Ava is three so we have finally passed the why stage. Thank goodness! Hopefully our next will be easy, since Ava has been a little firecracker, although I wouldn't change her for the world. Have a great day!


  10. So funny! That's how kids learn, right? Adorable questions (and answers, for that matter. :)

  11. HAHAHAHA!!! I was just there a year ago! Thank heavens it passes :)

  12. when i'm out of my answers i've started asking her back, "why do YOU think?" and she'd give her opinion and be done with it!!! plus sometimes she says really funny stuff!

  13. Welcome to the why club. My kids all started it before age 2! Jordis is totally on that train and she repeats a lot of what the older kids say. She says "Shotgun!" in the car! Sorry kid, your carseat is not going in the front. Why?

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