

The Ped Egg

Is a wonderful product.


I have been "blessed" with rough heels. I have been searching for years to find a pumice stone or something that will help smooth out my heels in the summer months. The only thing that works is getting a pedicure, but my budget doesn't allow that once a week.

This summer, I found the next best thing to a pedicure.

The Ped Egg.

Target $10. It rocks. Go buy one. Now.

Your feet will thank me.



Kate has finally learned how to say & use the word "please"

In Kate-talk it sounds like "pweease". It is quite possibly the cutest thing I have ever heard.

Kate thinks "pweease" is a magic word & if she says "pweease" she can get what she wants.

She uses "pweease" to ask for milk, get down from her high chair, go up the stairs, go out the sliding back door & when asking for more cookies. It is adorable. I love her.

How can you say no to this face?


Maternity Pictures!

On my birthday in May, my friend Caryn gave me a great gift. She is a photographer and she told me that for my birthday she wanted to take some maternity pictures for me! Here is her website.

The bigger the belly, the better, so we waited until today to take them. I will be 37 weeks on Friday.

Considering we only want 2 kids & this is hopefully my last pregnancy, I was excited about "documenting" my pregnancy like this. So, today she came over and took some pictures of me & Kate. You might wonder where Kevin is...well, he *hates* being in pictures & thinks maternity pictures are silly, so needless to say, he did not participate & was at work when Caryn came over today.

I can't wait to see the pictures!

Thanks Caryn!

Here are a few of my favorites!


Wine Group BBQ

We had a BBQ at the Hodge's tonight with our wine group. It was extra fun because the Edgerton's were in town. They moved to Philly in January, so it was great to see them & Cole again!

Here is our attempt at getting a group picture of all the kiddos. Kate is the only usual! All her friends are boys!

(Anders & Thoren Bostrom, Luke Hodge, Kate, Cole Edgerton)


Less than a month left!

Baby Larson #2 will be here in less than a month! I had an appt today & I am 1cm...whoop-de-do!

I have gained 41 pounds so far....right on track for the 50 I gained with Kate. yikes.

The baby's heart-rate was 163 BPM, I still think it is another girl. I will be absolutely SHOCKED if it is a boy! I can't wait to see if it is Claire or Luke!

I am hoping that I make it to the week of my due date, anything after September 7th would work for me!

Kate is doing great. She is so cute & has developed quite the personality. She has been really hyper the last few days & likes to run around the house & laugh. She has a new laugh that I need to get on video, it is hysterical. She is saying new words everyday & has quite the personality!


Welcome to our BLOG

Well, I am finally starting a BLOG, something I said I was going to do months ago. And, I even started a Facebook account last night. I am so high tech now!

Today is 8.8.08 & since I am a math teacher & love numbers, I thought it would be a great day to start a blog! And, the Summer Olympics are starting tonight. We LOVE the Olympics!

I have always loved reading blogs and I am finally staring one!
The purpose of this blog will be a scrapbook for our family & friends to stay updated on our lives & our kids.

I am 35 weeks pregnant today with Baby #2. So in about a month, there will be another Larson! I can't wait to find out if it is a boy or a girl. Kevin and I both think it is another girl, which we would be so excited about.

Kate is our busy & fun 18 month old. I love taking her picture!
I call myself the Mama-razzi, I always have my camera on me!

So, this is the official beginning of the Larson Family Blog!

Kevin, Mel, Kate & Baby #2
(and of course, our yellow lab Boulder)